Is Ulduar worth coming back to?

Now that server locks are lifted, I was gonna make a new toon on Bene to arena with some friends but I initially quit the game during P1 because Naxx was insanely boring and my original server Grobb had a dead arena scene along with people mostly running GDKPs/buying gold.

I burned out on Classic p hard and went to DF and am having a great time, but Ulduar seems tempting.

I remember when I quit, people stopped running Heroics, Raids were mostly GDKPs and there was a ton of gatekeeping.

Is it all still the same but with just a new phase?

It’s literally the best raid blizzard has ever designed.

Don’t miss out dawg

All the good developers moved on to other companies afterwards


No. The game is in a far worse state now.

  • Theres even more bugs in the game
  • Fresh 80s have literally no way to gear or and nothing to do on a daily basis. The game is essentially dead for them
  • Most naxx groups are just doing Saph/KT boss rushes, so you dont even get a full clear anymore
  • Heroic + is absolute :poop: but its literally the only thing to do on a daily basis in this game other than daily quests :face_vomiting:. Remember those heroic dungeons you loved doing so much?/s Well now you can do them, but they take 5x longer to finish! YAY
  • Most ulduar groups are not clearing. A huge nerf is probably incoming because the rates are so bad
  • Pvp is dead/arena is dead. Blizzard planted their feet firmly in the ground on the issues of : giving people access to arena gear, solo que arenas, allowing people to keep rating points from previous season. So pretty much everyone quit

This game is trash now. If you come back, youll just be raidlogging ulduar


S6 is better than S5 so worth coming back if you enjoy 3.3.5 arenas. Also, on the issue of lack of teammates… blizzard enabled cross-realm Arenas/BGs, so that shouldn’t be a problem anymore.

As for PvE I dont like Ulduar but im in the minority.

I can’t agree with this gentleman one way or another on bugs but

Is 100% true, with the Ulduar groups not clearing probably needing an asterisk in that it’s only talking about hard modes.

I’ve heard from the forums that this mostly the case though I don’t do Arenas. If you plan on coming back I’d wait like 2 months or Trial of the Crusader since there is still going to be Phase 3 BiS in Ulduar and people will still run it (they buffed the item levels). Provided, that is, you don’t get gear scored out of Ulduar raids.

Fresh 80s can do the exact same thing that the fresh 80s did when WoTLK launched, start their own groups with other fresh 80s. Its not the higher geared players problem that the fresh 80s are having a hard time as theyre not at all obligated to carry anyone through a dungeon.

Full clears are advertised and listed everyday. You yourself can make a full clear and run it. Saph/KT skips were a great addition.

So long as the group is efficient it only takes 5-10 mins longer than it did before.

If you go to bene it’s going to be more gdkp and gold buyer spam, the megas attract that kind of player.

That being said, phase 2 has been amazing so far, definitely worth coming back for it :D. There’s actually a reason to run 5 man content right now and it’s glorious, season 6 is great, and Ulduar ofc is phenomenal.

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Phase 2 has been an absolute blast. Ulduar is a super fun raid, and provides a great challenge if you’re looking for it. Normal modes are very easy and accessible on the other hand.

they fused the group finder together. no fresh 80s are getting parties with other fresh 80s because so many idiots looking for heroic +s are using the same tool. or when you try to recruit, people dont read and join…you know what. i dont have to explain this. its been written 3000 times on the forums. if youre just acting this ignorant and blind to whats going on, then youre straight trolling bro

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I mean i agree that heroic and heroic+ should have been seperated in the tool but I really dont see the issue otherwise

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There has never been a time when most raids were gdkp. Why do ppl make up these lies. Are you seriously this bored? Gdkp are a very small fraction of raids. Unfortunatley. They should be 100% as it is a much better system of rewarding effort than relying on a random roll. If you dont care about how much effort ppl contribute then yeah random rolls are for you.

As it is, gdkp is a small percentage of raids that you are not forced to do at all. And if just knowing other people are having fun in gdkps is going to cause you to quit, then please juat quit now and this time, dont return…


going forward, gdkps are gonna be the only way fresh players can gear up outside of being funneled loot by their guild. go into raid severely undergeared, buy your lvl 80 set, now you can actually do things

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Seems like mixed reviews! If you’re having a great time with DF though, why not just keep enjoying it?

Personally, I’m having a lot of fun in WotLK, but with 2 raiding characters at max level, I don’t really have gaming time for anything else.

Still the same. Not worth coming back. I AM KRUMTOILET!!!

Except you know, the system implemented especially to help fresh toons gear but people don’t want to put in effort.

You just want to semi afk gs

Gross exaggeration

I mean, it’s week 3? People are still learning the bosses. God forbid you don’t full clear current content in the first lock out (which lot of people have btw excluding HMs)

I’ve cleared both 10 and 25 on my alt shammy in ms>os pugs

Granted it took like 4-5 hours but hey, that’s raiding. I prefer that, learning bosses, having some challenges, wiping, coming up with new strats than just full clearing everything like naxx/OS/EoE in 2 hours bearly paying attention.

Just quit, gaming is supposed to be fun.

You don’t sound like you’re having fun.

Me? I’m having a blast.

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To each his/her own. The time commitment in Ulduar was really tough for me and tough on my family. Had fun that first week but i couldn’t sustain it and had to drop out of the raid group the following week. I actually miss the 2 hour Naxx raid nights :stuck_out_tongue: .

I’m sure the time commitment will ease as the general population of the game gets more familiar with the content.

but I hear you, I can only raid 1 night a week and sneak my 10 man in when I’m WFH :joy:

That 1 night though on discord with the gang is so far more fun than naxx was, naxx was just a target dummy parse simulator

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Thats the fun!

ulduar is pretty basic and beyond over hyped its about on the same par as Naxx…its an old classic dungeon with 1 or 2 mechanics on the last four bosses . People have fond memories so they swear how good it is but the truth is is an ok raid that everyone cleared week 1. if you want interesting raids stick with Vault. Doing Vault than coming to ulduar it will clearly show the diff and age of ulduar. It was fun to run once.

why you lying to the man. Def a far stretch.

Honestly game in terrible state. Tons of bots, if you dont have a lot of gold you will struggle at first. Ulduar is a face roll on normal modes. so your call

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