Is TWW different for Horde and Alliance?

I read on a forum that Wrath Expac was more Alliance focused storywise and Cata the opposite, is this still true? The thread I read about this on was like 10 years old

Its pretty much the same for both factions

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The only real difference is when we set up the embassy thing that never gets used.


TWW is pretty much the exact same for both Horde and Alliance.

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Saddly my horde squad is more or less benched. There’s no story to see over on the red team this time around.

I did set them up their own little campfire though.


Gnome/Mecha players will get insulted by passing Goblins in Undermine while Goblin players have additional dialogue choices in Undermine. :world_map::robot:


Swap alliance for Horde, and add horde not on my main server (mostly the allied races and those I made to get the heritage sets) and you have me.

In terms of major characters, it’s pretty much Alliance-skewed; being focused around Alleria, Anduin, and the Dwarves. The only time a Horde rep is present is Thrall giving a pep talk to an Earthen rookrider and Gazlowe in Undermine.

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It’s very minor dialogue differences.

One example is ‘Metal and Stone’ :

If you’re Alliance Turalyon talks you up:

If you’re Horde Gerayah talks you up:

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I really enjoyed the part of BFA where you could see the different perspectives of horde and alliance by doing the campaigns.

Even gave you a horde/alliance mount swap for doing the achievement.


Yep. It’s boring to me.

also there are some additional dialogue options for Rogues in Undermine.

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I don’t mind the Dwarves. They’re my favorite Alliance race. But I just don’t care about Anduin and Alleria. My favorite cutscene of the expansion so far is Alleria squaring off with Xal’atath. That exasperated sigh of Xal’s as she nonchalantly flicks Alleria’s bow away… I genuinely felt that.


I was.considering leading my horde team. I did that with Dragon Flight, which was also just so boringly a-factional. But this story leans heavily Alliance with Anduin (The King of Stormwind) and Alleria (Hero of the second war and subject of a giant statue in Stormwind City) soaking up a lot of screen time.

Just felt like it was an Alliance story. The fate of Khadgar, the fall of Dalaran. Alliance mage seemed the right fit


As someone with a lot of alts on both sides, it is a pretty big bummer when the story only goes one way. I’ve always enjoyed it when you have different stories depending on who you are playing. BFA was great for the different factions, Legion was great because the different class storylines, SL was great because of the covenant stories and having to take different alts through the campaigns to get the different mogs.
As much as I love alts, I do get a little tired doing the same quests over and over and over when I want to level alts. I’ve been using the TW dungeons lately to level some when I want to play them but not too much into the campaigns, lol.

I speak only for myself though and how I like to play, but would love more faction/race/class based questlines.


It is a real bummer, and it’s less game for the same price. But people applaud it because…I’m not sure why.

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I didn’t know that happens, did it involve the Bloodsail pirates? :parrot::robot:

There is no faction story in TWW. The last expansion with separate stories for each faction was Battle For Azeroth.

People claim wrath was alliance focused because we’d just gotten off of BC which focused on the hordes new race and also orcs with absolutely nothing of any of the alliance races. Having a balanced story after such an imbalanced one sure can make it feel like the focus switched if you only play one side.

When we set up the what?

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