We just had a guild faire in the Drag of Orgrimmar last night. Several guilds, all lining up with their members, banners and every other eye-catching displays they could muster in order to sell themselves to potential recruits.
Edit: Someone took a screenshot, in case you want to see. The spotlight is us: Firebrand Enterprises.
It was amazing! I don’t know how many people were in actual attendance in total, but they were bumping shoulder to shoulder from the Transmog building all the way to the Valley of Wisdom. Firebrand Enterprises was out there as well- passing out our information, telling people about our company, and directing potential new hires to the Orgrimmar office in order to conduct/schedule interviews.
We garnered nearly a dozen new members alone last night! I’ve got several more interviews to conduct this evening based on the interest we generated.
People are out there, and they want to RP. Population (or lack thereof) means nothing if people aren’t actually out there engaging one another, trying to tell stories, and running/attending events. I can’t compare my experiences to much else, but in this past year and a half, I’ve never really logged into the game and found a day where absolutely nothing was happening.