Is this the best RP server for Horde?

So I am looking for a good server to RP as horde. Like a tauren or blood elf or something. But it’s almost impossible now to find a horde server as lively as Moon Guard’s Alliance RP scene (minus goldshire since that’s a joke). Is Wyrmrest a good place to play horde or is it a largely Alliance server? Are there RP guilds who actually do events or anything or is most everything a walk-up?


There are guilds who do events H-side, yes! Wyrmrest actually leans towards the Horde in pop counts, you just have to be around at the right times to see everyone :slight_smile:


There are many large guilds who regularly host events both open and guild-only. I’m in one.

Last weekend was the Blooming, a three day festival hosted by the Redmoon Cabaret & Bordello.

Tonight, the Gilded Ivory Cartel is hosting a server-wide market in Uldum that will be attended by several guilds. 6pm server time.

And a big Troll summit being conducted in Zul’Gurub. Open to trolls and non-trolls alike. At 5pm server time.

And a meeting of practioners of Void magic in the Sepulcher. 7pm server time.

There’s also meetings going on now for the big Horde Cultural festival later on this summer. The Midsummer Fire Festival too.

That’s what I can think of off the top of my head as they’re on my personal calendar, but I’m sure there’s plenty more.

Most walk-up Horde-side happens in the Valley of Honor and Silvermoon city. Every blue moon in Zuldazar.

Addition: I was doing some walk-up RP in the Tail and ended up inviting a group of people to the Gilded Ivory Market. Introduced them to about five other guilds, they made contacts, and even discovered a cross-faction guild, which they found amazing. One of them later said it was the most fun they’d ever had at a community event.


Keep me posted on this, would you?


It is the largest as far as population goes. Size and popularity can be misleading though. Only way to know if you like it for sure is to test it out yourself.

I believe Wyrmrest Accord has a more sizable Horde population than Moon Guard? But any time we mention it, someone comes in to get mad about it, so maybe it’s mere speculation.


Yes, we’re not allowed to actually suggest that Wyrmrest Accord has a larger and more active RP population for the Horde - facts are scary, scary things for some people.

(We do. Boo.)


Now you’ve done it.


I’m not sorry.


If people being mad about a fact makes the fact less factual, then I don’t want to live on this planet anymore :frowning_face:

I don’t think anyone from Moon Guard can be trusted. I went to Goldshire and all the beds were empty! How can we believe anything they say now?

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As mentioned previously, one must dive in to truly decide if it is better or not.

That being said, WrA certainly has a bundle of good options for those looking to dive into Horde side RP. Numerous guilds here offer their own, highly entertaining storylines (and is where WrA horde truly soars). Plus, if you’re not so keen on one guild, you have tons of other options to roll into and explore.

Regardless of what some certain people say, WrA is for Horde what MG is for Alliance: A sizable, chunky community with bountiful options for you to frolic into and explore with numerous people who would love to have you along for the adventure.


Yeah, Moon Guard residents absolutely lose their minds with rage when anyone points out that Hordeside feels utterly dead at any given time of the day. It’s one of the reasons I finally left MG Horde–I got sick of being treated like garbage for pointing it out.

I even saw one person angrily forbid anyone from mentioning it, for fear that acknowledging it would drive more people away. As if… the hideous attitude about it wasn’t the problem, lol.


That being said… people on both factions in this thread are doing a good job of demonstrating why one must first delve into it to best decide. Some people just only come to forums to rain on the parades of others because they cant help themselves.

What are you doing?

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stating a universal truth that can easily be identified just by looking in any games trade/lfg chat ever? Why are you getting defensive?

Why are you making passive aggressive jabs? Nobody’s parade was being rained on and there was no issue here until you decided to create one. Knock it off.

Showing up at a thread and ragging on either the MG community or calling a community hyper defensive, like it or not, is doing so.

So please, take your griping else where, I was abiding by the thread while others came to poo poo on groups.

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Horde RP on Moon Guard has gone very quiet. People still on Moon Guard do get upset when it’s talked about. This is what’s called

Which I guess you can state but no one else can.

Coming from someone who screams into his spaghetti-Os anytime someone with a blue avatar posts pretty much anything ever. Take your own medicine.


Really Levington? I should take my medicine from someone who literally only ever shows up in forums to cry about horde in some form or fashion? That is literally all I have seen you do here. You did it in this very thread.

Yes, horde in MG is quiet? You see me claim they weren’t suddenly?

But oh no, I’m simply someone who doesn’t agree with you, and because of that you have to get defensive of your own points and take shots where none needed to exist to begin with. If you had noticed, my post was also directed at Balghur and his own raining on a parade.

So, please. Do forums a favor, quit being defensive and don’t bother me again since i’ve pegged you as a troll in this forum like many others.