In M+, we had a healer who kept dying and a dps asked if he could stop standing in stuff. So the healer left with one boss remaining. I told the team I could swap to healer for it just so we could complete as 4man, and we did easily.
Man, Disc gameplay feels amazing in M+. I’ve never been much of a disc fan, but it’s just so fluid and perfect now. Answers for everything. Beefy void blasts healing up all your atonements. Many cooldowns. Instant heal with Evangelism to stabilize, something disc has always struggled with.
I don’t think disc has ever been this well designed. It’ll be hard to go back to shadow. While it would probably still be boring (to me) in raids, don’t even get me started on how crazy OP it is in PvP tho.
Pretty sure all priests should be rejoicing at how good disc feels in M+. I can’t imagine it being better designed.
I’m absolutely giggling and kicking my feet about Disc’s performance right now. The number of doomers on the forums and other places upset about losing Rapture was suffocating. And as it happens, Disc is a top performer for all content including PvP once again— and most of the complaints about losing Rapture were coming heavily from the PvPers.
That being said, I hope to see the weaker healers brought up, rather than nerfs going out that end up feeling really bad for the rest of the tier.
I always thought Rapture was the most boring healer CDs in the game, so I’m glad it was gone. The only thing good about it was it was a long buff, so you could choose when best to shield. Probably satisfying to pre-shield in raids too.
Evangelism is exactly what disc needed instead. Fits in so perfectly so you can hop back into atonement healing alongside smiting for adding atonement duration.
I wouldn’t even mind nerfs if it didn’t change the gameplay too much. Right now health bars are just shooting straight up with ease. Only weakness I see is longer fights you can have a few unoptimal stretches of time with your cds/abilities down.
I didn’t even mention how it seems to never run out of mana either.
I think most people knew Disc was going to be good going into this season.
Personally I’m just tired of playing the voidweaver disc style after playing so many (much weaker) versions of it. So I’m happy that Oracle is actually fairly good at healing, at the very least. The decision to decouple the cooldowns of every spell from Smite casts was a really, really good one.
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Pandaland disc was pretty good. So good that other healers have complained for whole expansion about disc. 
Yeah it’s awesome!The spec feels fluid, smooth and powerful! I love what they did to the spec from S1 to S2. I know people were dooming about rapture and bug fix with damage on Voidweaver/mindbender but it’s still strong! Disc, monk and resto Druid are in a great spot! Now fix holy pally!
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It is hard to play any other healer after monk. Not having to depend on mana and not having to drink after every pull is soo good.
To be determined. I do miss Rapture - was a fantastic tool in keys. Its harder to use Evangelism for any prio on a single person since your atonements are almost always full converage.
People are still undergeared being the first week in Heroic raid so it has felt pretty good so far topping bars while people are particularly squishy. Shadowfiend Oracle on heroic Mug’Zee absolutely slaps, so its nice to see that you’ll have good reason to play either VW or Oracle depending on the fight and your taste. Idk, need more gear and to actually start the Mythic raid to see how it feels personally
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If this rework is that good, ima have to mess with it myself :o
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For me the best time I had with Disc was back in Wrath with the tiny bubbles build. PwS reflected damage ot absorbed back at the foe, if it popped you got mana. That said I am enjoying this new verson of Disc.
I kind of wish there was an ability that 1 target would get a buff and always have Atonement, like how Sage in FF14 has Kardia. However, I understand why they don’t do that.
Yeah, I kinda feel like this is sort of intended by PW:shield meant to basically be cast on cd during fights, or even Binding Heals giving you a soft perma atonement. But would be very cool to just slap an atonement buff on the tank and save those constant globals to do the same thing.
Been playing some more Disc in M+ and I actually like Oracle even more than VW. I know it’s not meta, but I enjoy how flexible your healing abilities can be with on-demand Radiance and saving premonitions. I do miss Void Blasts just pumping up health bars so ultimately it’s all equal healing, but it just fits my playstyle better.
Been enjoying it a bit as well, mainly from all the beefy throughput buffs to everything. Oracle can finally move bars with Penance, both offensive and defensively.
I’d still trade Evangelism for Rapture in a heartbeat.
There is this talent that adds 3 sec to an active atonement per smite, wish it was aoe’able: it is in a single target format sadly.
Definitely like the change to Evangelism and the Ultimate Penitence path. But I really wish they would make the left side of the disc talents comparable to the Mindbender side. A change I would like is if Divine Aegis converted atonement overhealing into a shield, up to a max amount. Eternal Barrier increases the duration of PWB by 5 secs or increases the shield of LB by 20 or 30%.
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They kinda did.
BUT both extremes are so strong you are just going to take both so long as you can use them (oracle can).
Nothing in the middle (besides maybe Weal and Woe which is EASY to path to) is anywhere near as strong. But any standard oracle build is gonna take every light side talent they want then just dip mindbender or at least void summoner because why not, it’s strong as hell.
But seriously at the moment the Divine Aegis/Eternal Barrier line is really, really strong if you’re playing to PW:S and Weal as an oracle disc. Any buffs to it would likely make both just the obvious pickup for both hero talents.
For once since like … cata … I am enjoying my priest. Oracle feels really good.
Cant wait for my eyes to heal up from my cross linking so I can really get into it.