Thinking of server changing to ED. I’ve heard great things about it. I want to play as Alliance with WM on, so I had a few questions.
- Are there wpvp centered guilds on alliance?
- Do a lot of alliance roll with WM on?
- When you’re out and about, are there plenty of Horde to kill?
- How long are que times to bg’s at max level.
- Yes there are quite a few wpvp centered guilds such as .
- The population as a whole is fairly balanced, however there are a good % of horde with WM on compared to ally.
- plenty of horde to kill (hit and move is the way to go)
- Que times for bgs are around 2-3 mins with an enlistment bonus for honor. The Epic bgs are a little longer between 5-10 mins.
ED is a great server but it is much different than all the others out there. Remember this was and still is a PvP-RP server, a lot of the guilds mix the wpvp/pvp and RP together and it is great fun. I would recommend maybe a trial toon on the server to fill it out, talk to a few people and see what you think.
Hope to see you and feel free to pst in game for more info!
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Kill Order
Salty Sea Doggos
few wpvp guilds
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Thanks so much. Do alliance typically win or lose bg’s? I know some servers there’s a dominant winner with others not being the case.
In my experience, I lose a little more than I win, but that could just be because I’m in the BG. Lol
I would say it depends honestly. 50/50 with some days being better or worse.
The world is heavily saturated with putrid Horde running around. You’ll have more targets than you can kill!
My friends and I are always out and about killing Horde on the daily. If you’re looking for a small group to roll with hit me up!
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