Is this macro possible for warrior

You are in defensive stance

you press one button and it instantly goes battle stance presses thunderclap then instantly goes back to defensive with one click

I do not think that is possible Right? I think you would need to press the macro more than once

Not with one click.

I thought so. do you know what macro I could do to make it happen in two clicks or three clicks

Not even going to try unless I can test it before giving it to you lol

The following will cast Thunderclap regardless of the stance you are currently in.

#showtooltip Thunderclap
/cast Battle Stance
/cast Thunderclap

You could then press your button to go back to defensive stance.

Alternatively you could have a macro that toggles between D and B stance and tries to cast Thunderclap, which would sort if work?

#showtooltip Thunderclap
/cast [noform:1] Battle Stance; Defensive Stance
/cast Thunderclap

If you are already in D stance then this would put you in B stance and cast Thunderclap, and a second press would cast D stance.

However, if you were already in B stance it would put you in D stance and then fail to cast Thunderclap, so idk if it’s worth it.

(Disclaimer, I haven’t actually tested any of these, so there could be minor errors somewhere among them, but they illustrate the general idea)

P.S there is a macro + ui forum that is more likely to respond with helpful advice than this one is, might want to check that out in the future.

I’m not sure why you would need to jump to another stance for Thunderclap, but classic does require some “stance” dancing…

If it helps, here’s a list of my macros I have on my 39 Tink Warrior (now in Cata)

/castsequence reset=10 Bloodrage, Battle Shout

#showtooltip Berserker Rage
/cast Berserker Stance
/cast Berserker Rage

/cast [nocombat] Charge
/cast [combat] Berserker Stance
/cast [combat] Intercept

#showtooltip Disarm
/cast Defensive Stance
/cast Disarm

#showtooltip Pummel
/cast Berserker Stance
/cast Pummel

#showtooltip Rend
/cast Battle Stance
/cast Rend

#showtooltip Shield Bash
/cast Battle Stance
/equipslot 16 Ardent Custodian
/equipslot 17 Aegis of the Scarlet Commander
/cast [target=mouseover,exists][] Shield Bash

/cast Battle Stance
/cast Defensive Stance

If I’m not mistaken Thunderclap doesn’t share a GCD while swapping stances, so you could do:

/cast Battle Stance
/cast Thunder Clap

but i’m not sure how much rage you have left when you change, so maybe it’ll work then have to use a different button to go back to Defensive Stance?

Alternatively you could use a /castsequence and spam the button

/castsequence Battle Stance, Thunderclap, Defensive Stance

but you have to spam the button

As a tank, you shouldn’t be using Thunderclap anyway. The threat generation is terrible. Every group I have been in where the tank Thunderclaps is a group where the tank can’t hold aggro.

Use Demo shout and Battle shout in defensive stance instead.


10% damage reduction is alright if you take heavy damage so it’s not unreasonable to want to bind it.

Spamming it for threat is not really the move though, I agree.

become a good warrior and bind each stance to 1, 2, 3. Now change stances as needed and become the warrior you were meant to be…

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Thunderclap can only be used in Battle Stance. He should be tanking in Defensive Stance for the -10% damage taken and 30% more threat (Battle Stance and Berserker Stance only do 80% threat).


Thunderclap is a tiny amount of threat (80% of the damage due to Battle Stance), is limited to 4 targets and does a tiny amount of damage. The main thing it does in Classic WoW is decrease a mob’s swing timer by 10%.

If you are going to charge into a pack, sure go ahead and Thunderclap them before switching to Defensive Stance. I would not re-apply it for dungeons. The main situation where you would re-apply it would be a very hard hitting raid boss - and an off tank should be assigned that job.

The macro quoted here swaps between Battle Stance and Defensive Stance. I don’t think it casts Thunderclap but could be wrong?

#showtooltip Thunderclap
/cast [stance:2/3] Battle Stance
/cast Thunderclap

This is slightly better in my opinion because it will just cast Thunderclap if you are already in Battle Stance, and will change to Battle Stance if you are not which requires a second button press to use Thunderclap.

I don’t macro something like this. What I do instead is have my stances on my mouse wheel so that I can swap stances with my right hand and press abilities with my left hand.

So for me this sequence is Mouse Wheel Up → X → Mouse Wheel Click. For me this is very fluid, but I’ve been doing it for years.

it is not possible in one click,
you can do battlestance and thunder clap in one button (abilities that don’t share CDs/aren’t on GCD can be done in the same button press) but switching back to D stances is on the same CD as battlestance so can’t be done in the same button press.

EDIT: All of the above assumes you have tactical mastery and enough rage to thunder clap in the first place.

You can change stance and cast one ability in a single macro, so the macros both work fine.

I have my bars set up to not change with stance, and then have every ability macro’d to switch to the appropriate stance to cast. Except Thunderclap, oddly enough. I don’t really use it.

I’m aware it can only be used in Battle Stance, I was just wondering WHY he would choose to use Thunder Clap. I mean if he REALLY wanted to, it would be better to start fight with Charge (in Battle Stance), then use Thunder Clap THEN switch to Defensive Stance.

That’s cool, lots of ways to do it. Pays to put some though into it and figure out what works for you.

My whole thing has been optimizing use of both hands, so at this point I have no macros that do anything stance related. This is pretty much the list

Charge/Hamstring: Frees up a button since it just casts Hamstring if in melee range.

/cancelaura Bloodrage
/cast Charge
/cast Hamstring

Same idea with Intercept:

/cast Intercept
/cast Hamstring

Warstomp: the stopattack is so I don’t immediately break it with my next white swing

/cast War Stomp

Intimidating Shout: same thing, don’t want to fear something then immediately break it with auto attack

/cast Intimidating Shout

Weapon Swap: the stopcasting is important to cancelling anything that would have to finish (like Heroic Strike) that would prevent the weapon swap

/equipslot [noequipped:shields] 16 Perdition's Blade
/equipslot [noequipped:shields] 17 Draconian Deflector
/equipslot [equipped:shields] 16 Perdition's Blade
/equipslot [equipped:shields] 17 Alcor's Sunrazor

Shield Block: same thing, and Shield Block is off the GCD which is literally a live saver lol

#showtooltip Shield Block
/equipslot [noequipped:shields] 16 Perdition's Blade
/equipslot [noequipped:shields] 17 Draconian Deflector
/cast Shield Block

Other than that, all of my abilities are a macro that has /startattack in them otherwise you stand there like a doofus if for any reason the ability doesn’t fire.

/cast Revenge
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Probably confusion to be honest. From TBC onwards at least through Catalysm, Thunderclap is part of the Warrior AOE threat toolkit and is also usable in Defensive Stance.

Spamming Battle Shout and Demoralizing Shout to build threat makes no sense and doesn’t work in any other version of the game. It is pretty reliable in Classic though.

Yep. Each of the action incurs a Global CD and there’s a sort of one-click-per-action thing for macros.

Elite’s Warrior Tanking Guide aimed at newer WoW Classic leveling warrior tanks has a good soft introduction to making macros I think. It might give you a good frame of reference for how to accomplish what you’re trying to do.