Is this gonna be playable on launch?

With the countless bugs and 0 words from Blizz regarding said bugs… Like. Is this going to be functional in a realistic way?

I mean mostly bug free. Even on the ultra bugged beta you can hit 85 and do heroics, etc.

Druid tank threat is still completely broken. Even if matching dps in your run, you still lose threat (lolwut?)

Most Masteries are bugged and not functioning at all.

A lot of quests still bugged.

I’m unsure about every topic, but I bet I’m missing quite a few. Would just love some actual occasional feedback from Blizz saying (if nothing else) that they at least are aware of said issues. And yet its just pure silence.


Depends on your definition of playable but based off of how little has been tested and how soon the deadline it’s gonna be way worse than wrath, and that was already buggy enough to cause a lot of issues for people…

I have about as much faith this will go well as I did when I reported that shaman’s feral spirits autocast on and off macros didn’t work at all and blizzard pretended it didn’t wasn’t an issue for I don’t know THE LITERAL ENTIRETY OF WRATH (it’s still not fixed and they made changes to try and fix it in the beta of wrath)

With the current release schedule we’ll be discovering these interactions live instead of testing on the beta, beta test seems to be for streamers to have content and not to actually test the game.

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Sadly, I pretty much agree with you, especially the last part regarding giving streamers content.

And again, the fact that they’ve been FULLY SILENT about known bugs/issues/concerns and won’t even make a simple update post is super concerning to me, and I’m sure others.

If nothing else, they should at least take all of 2-3 minutes and make an official post saying “We recognize there are a lot of bugs, they are being worked on” — Ideally they add a list of said bugs attached to it, but I don’t dare pray for something as huge as that.

Like… Its just not even remotely difficult to make a quick update acknowledging these issues. It would take all of 30 seconds to write it and post it. Very very upsetting that they won’t even bother with that.

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The last 2 builds fixed most of the UI bugs and added pretty much all the cata systems including 3 second rule for dots. They were deployed within 12 hours of each other so they probably have a pretty far advanced test server atm.

That I believe, that they have a more advanced test server. But it still doesn’t recognize that they could at least say something in a very quick post to alleviate concerns.

They’re asking for A LOT of faith and giving none in return.

The silence is the problem. I get a 4 page write up almost daily on SoD saying adjustments in coming, fixes in the works, we like this and that but plan to change this… etc…

With Cata it just feels like absolutely no community engagement. It doesn’t have to be everyday either. Just a weekly “we are pushing an update to beta today to address these insert bullet points here and are still aware of insert bullet points here” and most of us would be at least happy. Right now who really knows what is going on at all. I download a beta patch and it feels like almost nothing changes and when we have a week and couple days until this hits pre-patch and a lot of the problems are in fact things that will be in pre-patch… yeah… its a bit concerning.

This obviously will get fallowed up with the army of “you dont know beta” or “you ever beta before” and the problem is… yeah… I have… and usually you are getting a little feedback from time to time. Or you are seeing some results of the reporting. As of right now its just kinda… right… whats happening again?

Again I am not asking for a full on community engagement post daily. But a weekly bullet point list and at least direct me on where the testing still needs some punch would help a lot.


At the very least, SOME info when an update’s pushed out. It really makes it difficult to re-test what was updated to make sure it’s actually working when we’re given zero information to work on.


Playable? Yes. Bugless? Not at all. Even the most rigorously tested games will still have bugs on release

1-60 and 80-85 are probably the things that need to be tested right now still. Dungeons and raids can be tested/fixed during pre patch and UI element problems are being fixed very quickly.

Guys it’s okay, once we’re on our way to the camping site that’s the perfect time to iron out any kinks like what we need to bring camping

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