Is this going to be another xpac where all the gear sets share the same look?

BFA had no unique class-themed sets. Neither did shadowlands.

Are we just done with that?

Kind of lame if you ask me.

It’s mostly the class to the theme of the raid.


yeah honestly legion was the last time i was ever interested enough in the gear to run LFR. it’s easier for them to do the raid themed sets but imo they’re far worse. they could go back and start remaking old tier sets and i’d be way happier


the DF ones all look like shamans

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I like the Foresworn set from Shadowlands, but aside from that I rarely see new gear that appeals to me. They all seem to be trying to be more pointy and outlandish than the last set, and that doesn’t appeal to my simpler tastes. I’d rather be an Archmage in cutoffs and a t-shirt than a massive shiny clown suit.


I don’t know why the art team is so obsessed with making raid themed class sets instead of just making pure class sets like in Legion and TBC.

This means that whenever the theme of the raid/patch sucks, the sets will too (like Zereth Mortis). They need to stop.

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Because there’s only so many sets you can make that are “pure class sets”.

If I want a classic priest look I’ll go back to BC sets. I think it’s better to have raid themed ones, it gives more variety.

You might not like them but someone else will.

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It is a heavier theme on the Primalists so that would make sense though I do suspect it is because the design team ran out of juice after most of Dragonflight’s cosmetics. I also suspect there are limits such as paladins didn’t get a Tyr theme since we ‘might’ explore Tyrhold and druids didn’t get a Ysera theme since we ‘might’ explore the obvious spot for the world tree.

Maybe that Legion concept is the right direction as those designs are based on the legendary items and the legendary items could be easier to design on the legendary names.

…or perhaps it’s way easier to base the designs on legendary characters.

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I like having themed tier sets. I think straying from that theme will seem out of place. And BFA had no unique class sets because they stopped doing tier sets and they didn’t come back until Patch 9.2.

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We had how many years of class themed sets? I like raid theme sets for the variety, though I find them a bit silly looking often.

But I still think that’s better than generic set with leaves and roots for druids #2312.


Honestly I think they should do both raid theme and more pure class theme when they can on the side. Using Legion, I think tier 1 sets were amazing, tier 2 was reused BT armor, and T3 was very hit or miss, often not making sense like Zandalar on Argus.

But also sometimes a raid can be too restrictive with themes. I love modt of the sets but some classes do feel out of place being themed that way. Reminds me of ICC and how the classes took on a Scourge unit theme.


I am not against themed sets with a good theme. I rather enjoy this one. That said not every tier needs to be themed.

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angry Hunter noises (imagine a possum)

Not even any good Evoker stuff…

I am pretty sure that Blizzard said they ran out of ideas for sets with class identity and that is why they switched to raid themed sets in BFA. Unless they get some new ideas, we probably won’t go back.

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to be honest unless mine have skulls or bones on them i’m not too happy

They could come out with 30 different looks for each class with all different themes and I bet real money you all on the forum would find something to criticize and hate about all of them.

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Look, all I’m saying is, Death Knight gear should look like Death Knight things.

Well, what can you expect from these clownshoe wearing, no talent hacks?

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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they stopped doing class themed sets a reaaaaally long time ago. Like even in firelands everyone just had gear with fire on it, tier 14 in mop everyone looked like bugs etc. Even AQ40 had raid themed sets.

If only there were some kind of system that allowed players to choose from hundreds, if not thousands of item appearances and choose the ones that they like best to build their own appearances. If only.