Is This Game Too Hard?

This game is not hard because you can’t lose.

I would definitely say more time consuming than difficult.

Which is multiplied exponentially for newer players as they’re not yet familiar with how to be as efficient as possible with their time.

I.E. If you can farm 300gph you can get your raid consumes in 2-3 hours. Compared to someone who can only do 50gph it would take them 12-18 hours.

Well, Viscidous is pretty hard.

There’s that.

I always wondered that too. I never got why try hard typed like this casual game. All i can think is

  1. They like playing with normal people and not the hardcore types in other mmos of the day.
  2. They like to feel superior over the casuals.

My 2c for someone who has an open mindset; yes and no.

Yes it can be hard for nee players and ginding groups fpr dungeons when people are boosting. It takes time to learn and gear up and group content for its level derives on the group effort not soloing. You cant have 39 under leveled people who are under geared heavily and expected to down raids if they dont know wth they are doing. Mecahnics and all.

No because if everyone pits in effort to gear and learn it makes it more easy for everyone else. Yes this is an old game but not everyone plays on the same levels or the same amount of time or the same class.

Its a learning issue but at the end of tje day your paying for the time and sub play how you want and enjoy your adventures in azeroth.

I look at wow like i do my job. When i first joined im struggling i dont know anything or anyone. Aftrr a while you get better, people more friendly and respect you more and you get faster.

Ive been playing since cata. Trust me i sucked then amd started learning from guides, other players, and experience via failing and experimenting. Not everyhting works but i play how i like and love to experiment with rotations and builds in different situations. My biggest pet peeve is dying amd in classic yea i do die a lot even before level 10 trying to solo quests and elites some classes easier then others due to kiting capabilities and some i just have little experience playing on that class like melee

I behave this way with any RPG that features grinds.

What is hard or easy?

I can solo a world boss in retail or if I want done faster hit a button.
Is that easy?

If I want to do a world boss in classic I need an army. To fight off enemy faction and kill the boss.

Scout if it’s up as well.

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Time consuming? Yes.
Hard? No.