Is this deserved for playing this game in the 24th of December 2024?

So i have a youtube video about me dying in WoW Hardcore, is there any way that someone can look at this, and say that this is my bad? Like i know i should have called someone to help me kill a non-hostile level 14 mob, obviously that would have been a great call, but othet than that, is there any way i could have played it better? Like if someone says that a Level 14 mob can hit me from 330 to 17 hp, without even showing how much he hit me for, i would say this is straight up bs, but ye, i guess Merry Xmas everyone! :))

Ouch, should press that heal.

You lost the rend buff and the 300+health it gives you thus taking you to 1hp and then you got clapped.

I replied to your video also

yeah this was just bad timing bad luck, this could have happened to the best player in the game as much as the noobest player

We figured it out the timing is crazy. But yeah you got screwed.

I know you’re trying to be encouraging, but it really wouldn’t happen to “the best” player. Someone at that level would’ve noticed their rend timer. I however, am not at that level, and probably would’ve died too.

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I mean, as a level 12 druid in caster form just hitting it with melee swings maybe yeah.

Well, you did let your buff that grants +300 hitpoints fall off, which is a pretty big deal when that represents almost half your health pool and you’re sitting at half health!

I guess the bright side is that you were only level 12, and that’s a heck of a learning experience.

We go agane.


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I would have died yesterday if you had not posted this

You have my undying gratitude.

I usually heart when my buff gets to 10 minutes left. I than cower in the inn until the next buff too terrified to move.

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