I don’t know when I started playing rogue but it seems that it is forgotten recently. When TWW came out i was so excited to see and weigh in on the new hero talents but alas they pretty much said that they don’t have time for our opinions. Didn’t get to see them until they where released. The new talents made me just want to abandon my rogue but found that it was easier just to ignore the talents themselves. randomly put the points in where ever. Now with the new patch notes its a repeat of that. 11.1 nothing for us again. Was seeing all the new animations for hunters, shaman, mage, etc. nothing for us again. I don’t think there has been anything exciting for rogues in awhile. So is this class dead? If it’s not being worked on then I don’t see a reason to stick with it. Please note i don’t mean where other classes complain about us that they log onto the old developers account and delete some of our skills “just to make it fair”.
I think Blizzard doesn’t know where to take Rogue from here. They’re dealing with heavily merged concepts between all three specs and seem reluctant to split some of those specs apart on a baseline level.
Is it horrible and unplayable? Nah, it’s actually my favorite class right now. Can’t really get myself to do anything on any class except Rogue after playing each class to 80 and ~600s in ilvl. Still has issues, though, that much is a given at this point.
Rogues are solid but they need improvements to general class tree and hero talents. The bugs are the big problem that need to be addressed.
So they need work done on
Skill Tree
Hero Talents
bugs that have plagued rogues for not weeks, months but for years now.
This is why i believe nobody is working on things. will we see changes in the near future i don’t think so. Will other classes out pace us on upadates. Without a doubt. From your list there isn’t much else that doesn’t need worked on. The skills themselves and the fine tuning that comes with it is the only thing.
I’m used to playing the “forgotten class”. Did it in Everquest with a ranger for 6 years. So it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. I’ve been playing rogue since Cata, and honestly still have just as much fun now as I did then. I don’t chase the top dps spot or min/max my stats, but in the time I play and what I do, I thoroughly enjoy myself as a rogue.
In truth i’m probably just petty. I look and see all the love the other classes receive and like the black sheep i want just as much as they are getting. I love my class. People say its like playing a piano and i can do mozart on it. I just don’t like being ignored, and this class being my favorite and being ignored aggravates me.
Not petty at all. I get it. Sometimes it is disheartening to not see any updates on your favorite class. It is sad we don’t have the same amount of devs as other classes (I would assume that is 1 or 2 people). I “think” 2 out of our 3 specs are the least playable in the entire game? Maybe that is in mythic raiding only? I would have to double check. We just don’t have the population as other classes. Reasons for that have been debated on for yyeeaarrrsss
I’m mostly an assassin main, however their biggest and worst glaring issue in pve is that a core part of their kit is at the mercy of if the tank lets you have or not (without stealth we’re kneecapped). This creates a beyond frustrating and infuriating play style where you end up wanting to flame each and every tank you run keys with. Especially when you’re doing 10’s and higher where your kit not only is what allows you to crank out higher damage and energy regen, but also provides the whole reason you’re there to begin with: Silencing enemies and greatly reducing the pack’s damage.
So now I’m saying to heck with all of that and trying outlaw for keys so I’m not at the whim of the tank whether or not I can play my f’ing class or not.
That all said, rogue currently is fine in most regards (pve wise) outside of assassination. Damage for all 3 specs is great (especially in raiding), and while there’s a lot of scuff that needs to be polished out, we’re still fairly playable. Yes it does suck that we don’t get flashy visuals or interestingly themed hero specs, we’re still great. In some ways I would say that this is our biggest and best strength as it keeps us as a low played class. By extension means we don’t have to compete with others for spots often in raids and we get to be that person there soak up the otherwise useless daggers.
Rogue is playable, my concern is does his damage on par with other classes
With this definition then there would be no reason for any updates to the class or changes in the future. If all we need to do is do average damage. No new animations, no new skills, their would be no need for talent tree changes either.
we… don’t. I don’t mean to say this negatively my guy, but rogues are consistently in the top 5 with all specs, just look at the WoWhead releases. Not to mention I can tell you for a fact in raid I’m nearly always top dps, especially on single target fights.
ok, your right being at the top of dps is all that matters. I’ve learned.
… bro what?
Rogue damage is fine. I don’t think we should have less maximum output than say paladins and enhance who are already desirable for their utility anyway, but we’re certainly doing alright.
I wasn’t saying anything about how high of dps we where, i was saying that it would be nice for tree changes, skill changes, bugs fixed. new pvp skills for the ones that where taken. Filtz said all he cared about was his dps being on par with other classes. I understand we are doing well on dps. 11.1 update only took things away from us but gave us nothing in return. If the only thing that matters is top dps then i have learned my lesson. There is no reason to want more from the class and if everything is alright then so be it. I will end it here. Thanks for the comments.
Ah. Yes we could certainly use quality of life changes, as I mentioned in my post about assassination feeling very bad in M+
Rogues by nature are usually a single target based class from the get go. We were never really designed to be an aoe type class. Class fantasy or otherwise never really puts us against multiple targets at once. Our whole class fantasy design is literally to be sneaky and strategic. Single target DPS, we usually dominate. Maybe not top, but as mentioned earlier, top 5 usually pretty frequently.
The thing we need to remember is, Blizzard always trying to find more and more ways to make encounters challenging. That usually means multiple targets or in melee range smackdowns. Those multiple targets really hinders what we can do as a class. Over the years, we have gotten some more aoe functionalities to make us not super totally useless in mythic+ groups and encounters, but we still aren’t that great. We were never supposed to be. I think some people tend to forget that notion.
Mind you, this is all just my thoughts. I don’t actively do mythic+, so my experience on the matter is pretty limited
I wouldn’t say dead in the water just the style these guides tell people to play isn’t fun imo. There is a way to feel like an old school combat rogue even with RtB but again people don’t like anything different.
I have tested several builds that come close to it.
If one of the RTB talents were baseline you could make a close approximation of Combat using current talents in TWW.
Love to see others think outside the box as well!