Is this a joke?

  • Procedes to nerf our BREAD & BUTTER single target damage ability.

  • No adjustment to our front line vulnerability (I’m looking at YOU 6 min weak defensive & touch of zero consequen- - -Karma!). Glass cannons are not “front line brawlers.” Teleport is good, but not a sufficient trade-off for paper-thin defensives.

Either the devs are master trolls or have the mental capacity of a potato. Or in this case, likely both.

  • I do have a solution however:

Sit this clown in front of a computer and tell them half their salary is being withheld until they can successfully push 2400+ in any bracket on a Windwalker monk.

Imagine how fast the game would change if devs actually played it….


The article I saw said that the only change to rising star was the addition of the crit damage. Do we have a link to the referenced post that says they decreased the damage bonus?

it’s decreasing the base dmg and adding the crit top end. Making our dmg more spikey and less consistent

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As we tend to stack a lot of crit, and we get large crit injections after both skyreach openers and every FoF, the Dmg nerf/crit buff to RSK should just be a flat damage buff right?

I think they did it this way to ensure it wouldn’t be a talent you take in AoE spec. As you often dont RSK after FoF on AoE, losing the xuen battlegear crit bonus and therefore making the talent less valuable than it is now. Obviously we dont take it for AoE atm, but with the buffs to both Rising Star and Faeline Harmony maybe they were worried.

Regardless, I think its best to have a clear AoE path and ST path in the talent tree, so I think this was a fine change.

The Faeline Harmony buff is just indefensible. They are buffing the thing no one wants to use, and rather than buffing the actual ability to make people want to hit it, they further entrench the the talent that forces you to take faeline stomp.

Do a pathetic amount of damage to unlock a flat dmg buff. Wow. What’s tragic is that all they had to do was just buff the flat ability damage, and remove the 8% dmg buff. Getting a reset should be a smile, not a shrug.

I actually think the way they did the Tiger palm buff is fine. The numbers just need to be higher. The energy cap is whatever, I dont understand why they think that matters. Buff it to 100 bonus energy and no one would glance at it. Guess they forgot they gave us Ascension.

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you’re at most going to get 1 rsk crit per every fof on average unless you’re getting lucky with teaching procs, it will end up a dps loss at current numbers.

I mean tigerpalm already doesn’t hit very hard though, a 10% increase to it isn’t going to be anything worthwhile considering the average one I see on my end is about 7500, so were looking at 8300 averages, that’s nothing in the grand scheme of things.

These are all just token changes that amount to basically nothing.


That’s if you take the crap talent. No one will take it still so they bugged nothing

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Most WW run with over 33% crit, so you lose 4% damage on every hit, for 12% crit dmg on every third hit, but because of FoF/xuen battlegear the actual number should be higher. Doesnt that work out to a dps increase?

I said it would be fine if they increased the numbers. I get that a 10% buff to one of our lowest hitting abilities is negligible. I meant if they ramped it to 30-50% or some higher number.

I find it funny that monk Don’t have an Sooth for Rage Week, but we got a skill Name soothing mist dam right. We could also get maybe the Sooth of priests like put a cloud on mob to obscure their sight. Monk Need some love .And for the love of God buff WW St with new tier im pretty sure were gonna be Far bottom even more than currently wont make any sense to bring a monk in tyranical or St boss fight in raid. Next Tier if raid have some ST fight we wont have a choice to reroll blizz dont care about us were master of none but like were Barely fine aoe wise and st wise Bottom in the trash can

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the best part of the 10.0.7 patch notes is they didnt update the buffs to Rising Star(8%/16%)and Faeline Harmony’s 12%


Either they decided against doing that high of a change or they just don’t care about monk at all to even bother


It reaaaaally feels like whoever the Monk dev is does not play the class. I suspect it’s a plate class dev that was assigned Monk dev duty for no extra pay when the Monk dev left back in Legion.

Why do I suspect this? Well easy, the clue is in Fort Brew and its follow up talent, Ironshell Brew.

Whoever the dev is doesn’t know how to handle this ability. They had a few simple choices when porting this ability over to the DF talent system:

1: Remove BrM’s KS interaction with the ability and just standardize its CD to 2m so it fits all 3 specs.

2: Keep the BrM’s KS interaction and long CD but add interaction for the other specs (like RSK/Renewing Mist casts reduces its CD, etc)

3: Just move entire ability to BrM tree and make it a BrM only ability.

Instead they went with the dumbest one, keeping FB the weakest CD in the game at 20% dr with 6m CD and then spreading it into another talent to reduce it to 4m CD which still makes it the worst CD in the game.

BUT what gave away that this dev is a plate class dev is Ironshell Brew… Look at it… increases armor by 25%… That might be pretty good if you’re a plate class, 25% of a ton of armor is a lot of extra armor. But 25% of LEATHER armor is… 3% physical damage reduction. Yep… it increases our physical mitigation by 3% while FB is up.

totes worth the 6m CD, eh

Another clue is in the tiger statue, one of the few actually original monk buttons since Legion… Look how utterly uninspired and unoriginal and boring it is. It’s something a 4th grader would think up in 3 seconds when they get picked by the teacher to answer a question they don’t know the answer to. This dev thought this up in 2 seconds and then said ‘meh good enough’ and went back to his plate class design.


it could be worse, you could have wings and still have to ride a mount to fly

How is this constructive at all?