We’re no longer friends. Disgusting.
I’m really bad at it if it’s worth anything. I use it to dps because I don’t really like shadow.
Healer detected, opinion rejected.
I identify as DPS ok.
Has a priest
Priest is disc
Is a dps?
I used to respect you once.
Share the video of you slaughtering the horde boss.
Make it entertaining. I rarely see people solo the horde boss.
Make horde as angry as the alliance. Let’s see their veins pop as they are typing.
Gimme some time, I’ve all but abandoned Anathemae-Demon soul (except on the forums) Im building up Anathemay-Moon guard, I promise to tag you when i upload it though.
Also dont expect much, I’ve no experience in videography(?) or editing.
Enjoyed all those deaths Parex…
The Mortalities send their regards
and youtube send theirs, along with the hack and social contract report. enjoy
I left the info on your corpses
grow up imbicile! your a dirty filthy hacker and the only reason you get away with is blizzard dont care
Exactly how was I hacking? lol… do you think im mortality? … thats funny if so
Will the real Mortality please stand up!
It is kind of bad map design when you have to have a healer spend all game babysitting your boss. I’m all for sneaky shenanigans but I don’t think the boss of an epic battleground should be able to be soloed.
Blizzard could fix this in many ways while still allowing a small group of players to kill the boss. Put some NPC healers in the room with the boss. Have the boss apply a stacking debuff. Have the boss do a callout at 75%, 50%, and 25% health.
I know the Horde boss drops AoE zones, does the Alliance boss? Would give defenders a chance to stun the solo player inside of the AoE.
If it’s applied in the keep, maybe remove the road buff from the keep interiors.
Of course they could just make it so you can’t even attack the boss until it becomes the next objective.
Don’t get mad at the death knights.
I’m really disappointed you didn’t show in your YT clip the 9 times i solo’d you in your own base… next time ill just have to try harder
You make everyone look so sexy in your videos, keep them coming.
Promise us you will continue to capture our sexy angles.
Again grow up ManChild! nothing but a sad little man child…just like the hackers in the base
Yet the issue continues to exist… imagine that!
I think it’s time the horde think about some serious renovation and build a basement for Volrath.
He deserves a basement.
Signed, a concerned guardian druid.