My sub is ending and I don’t plan on renewing it for a logn time. I still like this game tho and I’m planning on creating a level 20 twink to play some solo and world pvp stuff.
Since RP Realms are not sharded with others, I’m wondering if it would be a good place to wPvP with my twink.
Being an RP Realm, is the world alive/populated in lower level areas? Anyone else already doing a similar experience here?
Thanks in advance
The combination of both Chromie time & warmode will make wpvp on a low level character non existent. Has nothing to do with the realm you choose imo.
Also RPing realms are sharded with everyone else, it’s a myth that they aren’t.
What he said.
Were so split you dont see anyone while leveling anymore.
So there’s peace and quiet while leveling and not tons of people running around on noisy mechano hogs and such? Fantastic!
Does LFG only work for the RP realms too then or does it go entire cross realm like the others do?
RP realms are not segregated in anyway. The only difference between a RP realm and normal one are the name restrictions, but I think the name police have slowed down a lot lately. Don’t think anyone cares anymore.
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Blizz eased up on that when trolls started mass reporting a few years ago.
This realm is for role players only. Everyone else is not welcome.