Is there Rogue content?

Hey, so looking for some Rogue players opinions and thoughts on a question concerning Rogue content in WoW.

In Elder Scrolls Online my favorite role was that of an assassin and thief, but in WoW I main a Paladin as I just can’t get into the Rogue and I think I figured out why. It is because when playing ESO there is a ton of “Rogue” content for assassinating people and stealing stuff and there is a full crime and wanted system etc… So I always felt like there was content for me to do that matched my class. However in WoW it seems like all the content fits either a “Hero” type like a Paladin, warrior etc… or a Nature lover type like Hunter, Druid etc… this goes for end game raids and dungeons as well as quests and repeatable content. But I don’t know of any content that fits the Rogue.

I am hoping this is just due to lack of me playing the Rogue enough that I have not gotten into that content, is there any content in WoW that fits the RP of a Rogue? I am sure I can find a single quest here and there and I am sure there is a Legion questline like there is for every class (is the Rogue one any good btw, I love the Hunter legion storyline) but what about end game stuff or gear grinding or RP stuff is there any Rogue content?

I thought about focusing on open world PvP but there does not really seem to be any reward for it… if I am not making gold or getting gear I don’t see a point.

Thanks in advance for any advice, I want to RP a Rogue but just not sure how in WoW.

it is playstyle, not lifestyle, CMIIW


We used to have a lot of class quests back in the day for missions robbing jokers and smoking certain targets to learn new skills and poisons but we moved away from all that.

People whined too much and called leveling miserable and whatever propaganda so they can zoom to max level. Those quests were fun and I keep some of that stuff as momentos but it’s whatever and its no big deal as we are moving forward I suppose.


  • we make our own content and rob people and burn their house down out in the open world and make our own fun >:D (well we always have made our own fun but yeah)

P.s. pickpocketing still has value when you add up all the stuff you can steal. A little but if silver and random items does add up, survivor bag of coins is also very fun for an out if combat only displacement toy.


A quote from the past, “When rogues are having fun, no one else is.”


I started playing Balder’s Gate 3 about 5 weeks ago. I’ve been having a blast playing my rogue. It’s so much more engaging than anything WoW has to offer.


@above, because players demo are biassed?

You could go after the Fangs of the Father, our legendary daggers from back in Cataclysm days. That was very intense, and many rogue mains found it to be a very challenging quest line. At the end of it, you got what are my favorite daggers in the game (check my profile), which are transmoggable now (yay!). Apparently it is still possible to get them. I’m not sure if they have changed the quest chain at all, but at the time, there were some stealth & pathing checks, movement timing, some survivability and DPS checks, etc. Anyway, might be worth it.


There is no Rogue-specific content in the current max-level expansion, Dragonflight.

Legion’s rogue class hall has a quest line focused on rogues getting their hall class mount - a giant crow.

That’s about as deep as it’s gotten in recent years.


Wow has long abandoned any of its RPG roots. The best youll get is some cosmetic fluff through some legion quests.

We used to brew our own poisons. Pickpocket mobs for gold & a chance at the jackpot of a world drop boe weapon.

We could detect and disarm traps. Open locked chests in dungeons which were relatively common.

Our throwing weapon wasnt just a cosmetic ranged attack but an item we had equipped.


How the mighty have fallen


That game will single handedly ruin D&D for future generations.

I liked the wing effect when they use to procc

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