Is there really a Blizzard solution to the faction imbalance?

No, there isn’t.

The Alliance population needs to participate. It’s the casual faction, Blizzard can’t fix that. The numbers are nearly 50-50. It’s about participation, not population.


They could let horde and alliance group together in pve. It might not end the faction imbalance but at least alliance looking for high end content for pve could find them.


If I’m doing a m+ over a 10, you can bet that that character is gemmed and chanted appropriately, with food runes and flasks in tow. Not everyone carries that mindset. In my core group we generally end up having to pug a dps and 9 times out of 10 we’re basically carrying them by at least 10k dps. It’s depressing.

Wait adding politics to WoW would be sweet. Each season each server has its own election for faction leaders/war council that lasts for the entire season. Which influences the central hub of the server by relocating the portal room to the city of the leader that was voted in. This way some servers will have ironforge as their main capital, some will have darnassus(or not RIP), some will have thunder bluff, and so on. Among other differences, like WQs based on the leader and various perks.

I’m not claiming this idea cuz it was inspired by Ughash’s post, but I wanted to expand on it.

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That’s been suggested and cried about a dozen or so times in the past week. Doesn’t seem like a bad suggestion to me, then 10 people come in “I’ll unsub!” Right after.

I’ll just copy something i said in another thread:


I didnt say everyone obviously, but it seems to be very common as you just said yourself

I know i was just agreeing with you

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Simple solution

Sack the idiot ION


I have many Gnomes and I would have if they let you select which parts are replaced with a minimum of 1. All four limbs mechanical is TERRIBLE for transmog.

No, they already said they would not (for 15 years.)

The only fix would be updating the older Alliance racials (since they are so horrible.) Maybe then it would shift towards the middle.

Allow players to run for Warchief! We will have a grueling legislature and a Congress that won’t solve any problems regarding the nagas behind the gates because the Darkspear party is busy trying to get their spears more sharp and the Forsaken party is trying to legislate more laws against Forsaken racism. Oh, and don’t forget the Mag’har party want more sanctions against the Mechagnomes because they’re trying to build robotic death machines


Everything is about perception. Those who are serious about end game progression see the top teams are Horde so that’s where they go. The top teams see that the serious players are all Horde so they stay there to have a larger pool of players to draw from and it becomes a circle.

Sure they could give every Alliance race a 30% boost to output and everyone would jump to Alliance and you would have the same problem as now, just reversed.

A two faction system in a game like this can not be balanced. One side will always be seen as better and populations will skew that way.

Even if they removed the faction divide then the imbalance would just be shifted to races. The races that were deemed best for a class or role would take the forefront and other races would get left behind.

The only way to have balance is if everything is the same. And then you end up with an entirely different game.


Flavor and aesthetics. Let alliance classes have themes that are different than horde counterparts. Similar to totem looks, Alliance mages could have a stronger arcane intellect while Horde mages could have faster cast rates. Something that changes the way they’re played but still have them stand out. Blood elf Paladins having Seal of Blood was a very cool idea, they can definitely expand on it

You’ll never get even a semblance of balance when the game director is a Horde fanatic elitist jerk.

It’s like deciding to make some random streamer like Asmongold the game director.


Thankfully this won’t be happening.

That isn’t going to attract people to swap factions if their driving force is pushing content.

Players pushing content aren’t going to swap factions to push content for this.

It’s going to take a big incentive for players and guilds to swap back Alliance, the talent pool is just too big on Horde.

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For the average player? (Which is like 70-80% of the playerbase btw) Nope.
For world 100 mythic raiders? Yes

Naturally the masses want to be on the side that’s “winning” even though it doesn’t affect them at all. Just look at the armories of most of the forum posters who complain about this. They have no personal mythic raid progression.


Haha I agree! That was one of the things I disagreed with I listed.

Well I see where you’re coming from but that’s not where my mind is! I’m talking a completely separate story line (that still fits the expansion obviously). To where the experience you have on alliance questing will be completely different for the horde. It’ll give players a reason to actually see what’s on the other side.

I believe as unpopular as it’s going to sound, getting rid of exclusivity has hurt the alliance more then ever. If you wanted to be a pally you had to be alliance, if you wanted to be shaman you had to be horde. If you wanted a raptor mount you had to be horde, if you wanted…a…horse… had to be alliance.

So I’m glad we actually got the bee mount for now lol. Maybe horde will get a wasp and they won’t care bout the alliance still x)


But nah anduin mmm wants that sweet peace. Which no one wants anyway! Besides like thrall and baine, Jaina kinda on the fence I guess. Won’t believe it till I Seee THE DETAILS. But I’m sure she’ll have some far distant cousin that gets ganked by a horde and revives her hatred for the horde.

Yeah min/maxers are going to ruin that covenant system for me @-@ “YOU’RE A WARRIOR AND YOU PICKED VAMPIRE CLAN ROFL YOU’RE MISSING LIKE 13K DPS”

Balancing racials would really help, but also giving our faction ONLY GEAR. Which won’t happen since devs like their RNG atm.

I believe this is true too. But I also believe if Blizzard tried to have much of anything more faction-exclusive they’d be met with a bunch of outrage from players who want to throw a temper tantrum about how something isn’t fair. I don’t think we’ll ever have much of anything that is faction-specific anymore due to the crying that goes on, sadly enough.

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Well said!!! :frowning: glad I found someone who thinks the same! Maybe one day things will change! Also some more capital cities that are not CONGESTED! Gimmie that city of Suramar for my undead warlock! Gimmie UHHH THE HORSE BARN! For my human warrior :clap::sunglasses:. I know it’s small but I love capitol cities!

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