Is there not a campaign step today?

I did a lap around the world, I tried the old fashioned way before going to WoWhead to just surprise myself and… I can’t see anything. Is the 5th chapter of the level 80 campaign a “next week” thing?

They’re really dragging this out…

So that’s a no? Ok! I’ll just resume leveling alts, thanks! :slight_smile:

The quest is available from Alleria west of the Coreway.


I guess this week will just be getting another profession piece and general gearing. Normal and heroic raid open up next week though, so I’m excited for that. Mythic 0 as well.

Found it, thanks!

check your renown. you need to be at 4 with the four factions for it to unlock.

it’s too late i’m already half way to level 11! you lost!

Be careful. Part of the quest line is bugged lol

Not anymore, they removed that

As someone who doesn’t feel like leveling a million alts, this is painful.

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You missed it. Im doing it as I type.

A light in the Dark the final chapter is indeed live. You Pick it up from Alleria in the major city.

had to be like literally yesterday or today since over the weekend, I had to hit 4 with one faction for it to open up.

If you mean crafted gear that uses sparks, we should only be getting a half spark this week I thought

Mine still says “hit renown 4” when I just looked. :dracthyr_shrug:

It’s there, but … there’s a pretty big bug in it that is preventing progress currently.

That is required to progress and unlock earthen. 4 is the minimum rank for story

From the 29th

yeah, found that out was hoping for one more before season starts but oh well.

But the Renown is still required for the campaign to continue. I’m not sure what that quest is, but my campaign still says “0/5 chapters, reach renown rank 4 with the War Within factions to continue the campaign.”

Pretty sure that’s what we’re all talking about.