Is there anything to "do before Tuesday" or not really?


Just waking up and doing some housekeeping/sifting thru alts to check bags and I was wondering: is there anything to “do before Tuesday” for the 7/23 patch since it’s technically the new expansion/prepatch?

In particular I’m wondering if anything “expires” on Tuesday as far as currencies go, so I can sift thru alts and spend what I already have - for example honor/conquest points

Anyways, was just wondering if anyone had a quick TL;DR list for this specific question (the question about “what happens on 7/23?” specifically)

This is all that’s listed:

But keep in mind, character restoration goes away for a while. So if you have any characters deleted that may have currencies like Timewalking badges or the like, you may want to undelete them so that you can pool all of their currencies after Tuesday and then delete them again when we can.

Character restoration is still unavailable.

been working for me its unlimtied right now as well

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It was available to me last night and should be until Tuesday according to this news article:

yep and is unlimited until tuesday

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They should have changed the article title on the launcher. To me, it looks like it’s unavailable, as in currently. Sorry for the confusion. It looks like I have a few toons to restore.

I did laugh at the way they changed the pop up and just deleted the end of the sentence for that. lol

Hey, no worries! I’m glad we could clear it up so you still have the opportunity to restore some! :smiley:

or all your toons lol

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I’m leveling Blood Elf and Void Elf alts I want to use this expansion.