Is there anything I should be doing before patch comes out?

I stopped playing for a couple months so just wondering if there’s anything I should be doing before the new patch comes out.

I believe new and/or returning players are legally obligated to complain about how catchup isn’t good enough and you can’t play with your friends, but don’t quote me on that.


Assemble a large collection of treats!

I mean, is there a gear catch up system or no?

Yes, there is are catch up gear systems, but it is pointless to really focus on until tomorrow because there will be a huge ilvl increase and anything you get today will be worthless.


ok thanks. what are they adding tomorrow?

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Well, the big thing is that all of the ilvls from current world content and catch-up systems will be increasing so all of the current gear sources (e.g. Dream Surges, Time Rifts, Researches Under Fire) will drop much higher ilvls than they do now.

Here’s a good list I found. Today, the max ilvl from the Dream Surge weekly is 415 without upgrades, and tomorrow they start at 428. Also, tomorrow standard WQ will be bumped up to 415 ilvl minimum.

Empty your bags!

That’s all I got :grin:

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Or fill them.

( part of me thinks there will be a big spike in resources prices for a few weeks, but a part of me also thinks that the stockpiles of basic resources out there are so huge that we might already be at the peak and it will all be downhill from here … I’m not good at goblining )

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Just have fun. If you wanna catch some quick gear before tomorrow starts, try a dream surge. Those are pretty great.

You’re a bit late if you’re asking this question 26 hours before the patch drops. However, there will be plenty of catch-up stuff in the new zone.

Whatever zone is active for the dreamsurges, you can fly around and collect the green orbs in the air and use 100 of the dust to buy 402 gear.

How about getting a li… I mean Coba cola :sunglasses:

You have a point there, I’m personally emptying mine to make room for all the new shinies.

I haven’t let Shandris have a word with me, yet.

I wonder if I need to do that.

Oooh, good point, however, I have done this on my main, I’ve done everything you can on my main, so I’m hoping there is a “skip” for alts, once I’ve gone through it all on my main! Wowhead didn’t cover that info as far I can tell.