Is there any way to opt out of cata?

The whole point of getting into classic for me was to see pre-cata azeroth, and lich king was when the game got the features I consider necessary for my personal enjoyment.

Now, for the second time, Azeroth is being sundered before I get to experience it. If I wanted to see Menethil Harbor flooded I’d just load my mage on retail. Please, is there anything I can do to stay on lich king?


Classic Era is right there, as is retail… You have lots of options if you don’t want Cata.


Maybe you could have spent less time acquiring nearly 30,000 achievement points on retail, and instead experienced WoTLK Azeroth in the last year and a half it was available to you.


Good thing they have classic era sod and hardcore that will maintains the orginal azeroth as it was.

Then if you want to explore a unchanged outlands amd northerend you can play both cataclysm and retail so you actually have the best of both worlds available to you.


They want Classic TBC and Wrath.


They aren’t getting TBC as that is already gone, and they titled their post asking a question how to opt out of Cata. To opt out of Cata, they have Classic Era (Era, HC, or SoD) or retail to pick from. I answered their question.


Perfect response

classic era, SoD, and Hardcore all have that covered for you. /end thread


Classic Era. Its still there and will stay there. You’ll be able to live in old-Azeroth forever.


You can definitely “opt out” by uninstalling or cancelling your subscription.

I don’t know why you would be waiting for that, but I never said I was quitting before or at day 1 of cataclysm. I’ve always said that I’ll quit early into cataclysm. Since it’s been a while, and people are obsessed for some reason; I’ll point out that I plan to record the new dungeons, both in the old world on a new character, and after 80 on an old character, then retire. But I might dump the forum before then, not wait for the uninstall or expiration. That’s honestly all you really care about, however illogical it may be.


Here are your options if you want to explore the old world before it’s “shattered”:

Classic Era
Classic SoD
Classic Hardcore
A multitude of different pservers

Note: Outland and Northrend are completely unchanged in Cata, so you can still experience them in their authentic, original state in Cataclysm.

At cata launch we will have had 1 yr and 8 months of wrath classic. Youve had time to do this stuff. If you really wanted to accomplish these things im sorry to say your window is rapidly closing. If youre that keen on playing wrath all of a sudden there are ways for you to do that. Otherwise the only good way to experience the old world is in vanilla anyways so go play classic era if you want that. Nobody is gonna force you to log in to cata but these realms are moving on so youre gonna have to look elsewhere

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Pservers will be pleased if there is no option to stay with wrath.


These threads are really tiresome.


No, there’s nothing you can do but if you want to see the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor before the cataclysm then you can play Classic Era.

What have you been doing for the last 5 years?


Honestly surprised by that, couldn’t experience it twice which is both 5 (Classic) and 6 (Retail) years seperately. If they don’t have the time for that then they most likely have no time for games in general.


‘Didn’t get to try it out in the 11 years it was out. Please freeze it as is and I might get to it next decade’


Classic came out in like 2019.

It’s 2024.

Time moved on, again. It’s no one else’s issue but yours if you “didn’t experience the old world”.

Also classic era is just a click away. You can always go there if the world means that much to you, which I doubt it does, because you’re coming in 5 years late.


It’s actually quite easy to opt out of Cata. I have a subscription for all classic games and retail. I opted out of SoD, era, and retail and just played Wrath. I’ll be opting out of all versions of wow except Cata. You can do the same, opt out of Cata or opt out of all but one version or opt out of them all, easy peasy.