I recently got exalted with all major reputations in Dragonflight and started the grind for the caches. I know that the caches are a controversial subject, but I always found myself still feeling motivated to do world quests for the rewards inside them, well after getting exalted with them initially.
However, I am very let down for DF’s paragon caches. This expansion, there are no mounts from caches, no pets, just pet battle stones which I don’t know how many people use, but its not even a considerable amount. You get 1k gold and in Shadowlands, you got like 2k-3k from the paragon caches.
If there is no incentive to grind out paragon caches, what is the point of doing these daily/weekly/world quests that primarily award reputation and tokens that are used to gain reputation? And in return – whats the point of doing them at all once you are exalted?
Just trying to understand, otherwise I envision a lot of ppl raid logging and doing not much else.