Is there any non-eclipse build for boomy?

as the title says: is there any build that is even just “meh” but functional where you don’t have to worry about going into eclipse?

The whole cast 2 of wrath or whatever to get eclipse for some 15 sec just to do over again just feels wonky. I think in part that is because i enjoyed a FAR older build where you starsurged and it just powered up 2 spells instead of this whole entering eclipse state stuff.

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It’s not something you talent into, it’s a core mechanic. You’re welcome to press any buttons without concern at your leisure but you’d be hard pressed not to accidentally enter Eclipse. It’s just how boomy operates.

i guess i just have fonder memories of a different boomkin iteration and was hoping to try and find that route. thanks for the help anyway though.

The BfA version with empowerments. I get it :slight_smile: it was my favorite iteration as well. But this way truly isn’t all that bad either though

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Unfortunately, Eclipse is baked into Balance. It does not add anything fun to the class, but Blizzard is really attached to it.


Eclipse serves no purpose other than to artificially increase the ramp time for damage. It needs to go, or at least be made an instant cast toggle or something similar. The ramp up time for Moonkin is just horrible.


Here’s a little hint: it’s not from eclipses

Actually, yes, partly it is. Casting wrath twice in order to actually start doing AoE is basically two lost globals wasting time doing minimal ST damage. Then, you have to add in the annoying moonfire only hitting two mobs at a time, waiting for things to get bunched up to use sunfire, and waning twilight, that requires yet a third dot. As a whole, it’s fun for me but the ramp up is ridiculous, and really frustrating.

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And the most minimalist thing you mentioned was the 2 Wrath casts.

And it’s not even the DoT damage and waiting to cast a DoT.

It’s a builder spender. The ramp time comes from building AP to use it on Spenders. Eclipses are passive damage bonuses for using spells you’ll be casting anyway.

The Eclipse system isn’t the issue for ramp up time. It’s the DoT based play and thing requiring living longer.

Even if they took the eclipse bonuses away and added them back into the abilities themselves, lowered the AP generated and increased AP costs to directly correlate to the damage increase in abilities, it would still be ramp up time as you need to get your DoTs out, cast your fillers to generate the AP to spend on your big hits.

Affliction doesn’t have Eclipses, and they have ramp up time too

I agree with this somewhat. I feel like watching the eclipse cycle adds a layer that most classes do not have to juggle or at least not juggle on the same level. Would me nice if maybe they overlapped? What I would really like to see is for the full moon style spell be made to replace wrath/starfire so it cycles on its own. that would be way more fun. It is also a way more fun spell visually. Remove the cd but leave the cycle and that would be your builder.

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choices in what you do hav always felt important. In this context i agree with you in regards to something like full moon: if you had the choice to replace the back and forth eclipse cycle with 1 button like full moon, so gaining simplicity/reducing complexity, even at the cost of slight damage decrease i think that would be great. It’s the tradeoff value one could choose: more complexity for more damage or simple/easier for less but as a player you get the choice.

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I miss the old Boomies, dot everything and spam either st or aoe spell and spend astral on either st or aoe. Simple is fun.