Is there any good looking leather armor?

My shaman and plate wearing characters look way better than my monk, it is causing me to not want to play as a tank anymore if I don’t get better looking armor…

Recent race change? I see Human monk listed, but see an elf :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve used parts of this set over the years. Preferred it to the druid version.

Vancleef’s is great. I’ve used that on my rogue for a long time. I feel the opposite of you OP. Leather sets in wow look good but mail is awful. Only set I really like is the ToV one. Using the lfr color on my hunter right now.

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Sup, though i do have demon hunter privilege on the chest piece.

Gotta roll a rogue for the good stuff lol

← for just one example

If you’re a druid, I enjoy the WoD tier set

I’ve found leather to be one of the best armor types to make cool outfits from. I was gonna post my rogue that i was super proud of but it turns out i got some gear upgrades on her awhile back that makes her look like a :clown_face: currently logging in to fix this issue.

plenty…IF you play female panda. They look great in everything.
Not so much for other races.

At least it’s not mail.

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I think generally speaking, females look better in everything. I cannot seem to find a decent mog for alot of my male characters but every female char i have has something that at least looks nice. My favorite dress type has always been more on the side of casual and female chars in general seem to suit that vibe more than male chars at least in this game.


One of the reasons I wanted female dracthyr, but they don’t get mogging either so pffffft.

thats a big oof on blizzards part.

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you can make a cool black n gold one that i like to sport without gloves and boots because thats monk-ish.

it kinda needs the legendary helm appearance tho and idk if those will go in the collection after SL is over.

in general leather and mail both need help when it comes to mogs heh
i would add cloth to that but only because i dont like robes.

I think leather has far more better looking options than any other armor type by far.

99.9% of mail armour looks like crap and 99.9% of the player base agrees. Leather gets all the good stuff tbh

In Dragon Age: Inquistion there is.

I look dope. Dunno what you’re going on about, OP.

not bad for a panda in a robe :+1:

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It really depends on what you mean by “good looking”. I put this transmog together with relatively low effort and I think it looks great.

Betty stabbed the eye of the bee holder, or however that saying goes.