Is there any Earthen play footage?

I’m looking for video of earthen being played. Period.

But as further information for those interested, I’m really looking for an Alliance Rogue class - Dwarves are a little too short, humans too stiff, Worgen a little too hunched, Nelfs too tall.

Really hoping Earthen hit me in my goldilocks. Has anyone seen any footage of them being played?

No trouble Brann, here you go. :robot: :rightwards_hand:


You’re an iSaint, friend. I appreciate the help.

Don’t leave us hanging, are they the right height!?

Havent watched yet. Waiting for kiddo to hit the hay.

I’ve only shown the allied race intro-- kinda safe from spoilers. :robot::sweat_drops:

Here’s the difference. :straight_ruler::robot:

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Im very worried that its yet another melee-built race for the Alliance.

Playing through the animation list here should allow you to get a close up look for whether or not you think the model & rig fit what you’re looking for.

To be fair, we just got the Dracthyr. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Melee heavy depends how you view the Earthen radicals. :robot::thought_balloon:

Azerite Surge – Draw upon your inner strength. Release to invoke the power of Azerite, dealing Fire damage. Empowering has the following effects: I: Deals (113.4% of Spell power) Fire damage, II: Heals allies for (100% of Spell power + 100% of Attack power), III: Deals (113.4% of Spell power) additional Fire damage to the highest health enemy.

Ingest Minerals – You are always Well Fed, but cannot consume food. Activate Ingest Minerals to consume a gem and change the benefit granted to you by Well Fed. Amber: Stamina, Emerald: Haste, Onyx: Mastery, Ruby: Critical Strike, Sapphire: Versatility.

Hyper Productive – Increases Finesse by 2%. Finesse increases the chance of gathering additional materials.

Titan-Wrought Frame – Base armor from equipped items is increased by 10%.

Wide-Eyed Wonder – When you gain experience for exploring a location, gain 100% additional exploration experience.

Here you go Thandahstahm, Earthen in action :wink:

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They can only be one class, and they look like Belfs.

I mean a stocky frame. Not made for picking pockets.

That is horrifying

It kinda seems like they’ll make the Kobolds fill that niche among the Earthen. :robot::thought_balloon:

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