Is there any debate that WoW is P2W?

I think he means from the vault, which only requires running a single +15.

Though honestly if you need a boost to do a +15 this late in the season then God help you you can have that 252 out of sympathy.

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That’s the entire thread at this point. No one is confused as to what the other person’s definition of P2W is. You just all disagree with each other. I don’t think anything new has been added to this discussion for several posts now. As far as I can tell, there is no universally accepted definition of P2W. So at what point do we all just agree to disagree instead of pretending that everyone arguing what exactly a piece of gamer jargon means is going to somehow prove something?


How can you guarantee I will not get scammed? I give my money to a random player. There is no guarantee they’ll hold up their end of the promise, nor is there any reason to, as trading gold from one player to another is not against any rules.

Correct, but I’m still trying to figure out how it’s “guaranteed”. The only way to be guaranteed anything in game, is by Blizzard directly. I could promise you a +15 dungeon in time, even promise to stack your armor type to funnel you gear.

But what makes it so you’re guaranteed to get the run/gear? What’s to stop me from logging off with your gold?


You’re just creating your own definition for the term to fit your argument lol. I don’t care if you think the game is p2w, it isn’t. Doesn’t matter how many times you refute that fact.

You see how dumb this debate tactic is?

If nothing anybody says can get you to consider other points of view, there’s no point you continuing to post.


It’s not a debate tactic. There isn’t a debate going on because there isn’t a debate to be had. I can use real money to obtain player power in this game. That’s just a fact.

Wrong again. Using real money to obtain power would mean that you directly bought a power upgrade in some form.

You cannot. The only thing you can use real money to obtain in the game is gold.

Your statement would be true if you could spend $25 and obtain a piece/set of gear, additional talents you couldn’t otherwise get, conduits, etc etc etc.

But alas, you cannot.


I really hate this debate tactic (and yes it is a tactics).

“My position is obviously and eminently correct so any other position is not worth even engaging.”

Yes I’m sure that simply stating your position is obvious without doing any work to prove that fact or to engage with your opponent’s idea will win over many hearts and minds. Either that or it will only make people who already agree with your position and feel smug because lol look how stupid the other guy must be that he can’t see something so obvious.

There is always a debate. Simply stating that there is no debate is not the hard W you think it is.

Also can we impose a new rule? Next person who says, “that’s not what P2W means” or some variant thereof loses. I don’t think anyone disagrees with the facts on the ground. Y’all are just beating each other to death with dictionaries.


The level of self-awareness… /s

Funny coming from someone whose definition of a “win” doesn’t entail any element of the textbook definition of said word.

Win definition:
1- be successful or victorious in (a contest or conflict).
2- a successful result in a contest, conflict, bet, or other endeavor; a victory.

From our point of view you’re the one re-defining “win” so that it means buying literal clothing for your character.
Which conflict did you win by buying clothes? Are you suddenly at the top 3 of any official competition?
Did you suddenly appear on top of the M+ key/PVP rating for the season?

Tell me which of those you win by paying the get clothing for your character.


Yes, you can use real money. But you don’t have to.

If it’s pay-to-win, there is no way to ‘win’ unless you pay. Pay-to-win literally means that winning is locked behind a paywall. You can ‘win’ this game without ever paying more than your subscription fee (and you can buy that with gold, the exact opposite of P2W).


in a sense paying for a subscription is also p2w, to win you have to be able to play and to play you have to pay.


You can buy game time with in-game currency, i.e. gold.

to be able to get that gold you need to have genuinely subbed at some point though.

Nope, I can gift a token to you and you can start up with nothing out of pocket from yourself

Ironically you could actually argue against this by saying that paying a sub with money is not required to play the game because you can buy WoW tokens with gold. Therefore WoW tokens make WoW not pay to win.

Good point! We should make the game free! That won’t create any situation where the game might actually become P2W right?.. Right?

Btw I bought a shed for my backyard.
Some would say that I P2W life.

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but even more ironically you need someone else to buy tokens with real money in order for you to not be p2w. it’s an endless cycle of hypocrisy.

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Yep, and you need someone else to use their gold to buy your token so that you can afford to buy that boost.

Vicious, stupid circle, indeed.

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1.6k posts in.

I guess there’s at least a tiny bit of debate.

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Lmao y’all still going?


I really do find it amusing (and honestly better for the game as a whole) that other than the $5 transaction charge that Blizzard pockets, buying a WoW token doesn’t result in any currency entering or leaving the game. The gold is coming from a real person and the $15 is just the same monthly sub paying that we’ve all been doing for years.