Is there an app

that when you mouse over something in your bags, that will tell you if you need that anymore? I’ve got so many items in my bags, yet I don’t want to search each item in wowhead.

Put them in the bank and forget about them like everyone else.



Not exactly, but there are addons that track your inventory for you and the AH value of things. They also can tell you if something is a crafting item, and what expansion that is from.

Problem is, you never know what you will need down the road. Like maybe you want to craft some older patterns for transmog now that unlocking it is account wide and can be done on other armor type chars.

What I did was at least organize it so when I did need something, I could find it.

I use a very simple item tracker that tells me which chars have X item, and how many I have.

And I also use Auctionater so I can scan and track AH prices. It is simpler than some other options so is not for people who hardcore play the AH as the game. It does give me data though about items which I like! Other auction addons probably give that data too when you hover over an item.

Oh, and combined with All The THINGS - it can also tell you if that item/material can be used to acquire or craft things you have not collected yet.


Syndicator is fantastic for inventory. Simple and lightweight.

For transmog pieces, I use Can I Mog It. It just puts a check mark or an X on the piece.


I thought that is what void storage was for.

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Also very useful! I keep that on when doing some serious mog hunting/old content binging.

a very comprehensive answer. Thank you for taking the time for that response. I don’t have many, (maybe 2) addons.

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Pawn is another one that is useful for current content. It shows you if an item is an upgrade or not based on your spec.

BUT it is not perfect and if you are doing end game raiding you would want to customize it for your exact simmed preferences.

If something is not an upgrade, or at least a side grade, you can sell it!

Here you go

I don’t use a lot of addons either because I don’t raid. I like old content and being able to track things. So, you now have the links to most of what I use.

Oh, that’s nice. Altoholic seems to be unsupported now, so this replaces some of what I was missing from that.

Thank you as always I appreciate your input.

Yeah, TSM (TradeSillMaster) does too as far as I know unless I’m wrong. I don’t think I am.

:cat: :cat2: :cat:

Altoholic also no longer tracks things right for me. Maybe it is time for a switch. I will also be checking out this addon.