Is there an Addon that Blocks others Addon Spam?

The fact that this is even a thing and I have to look for one is disgusting.

So many people have Addons that Spam when a Frontal is on them. When they kick. When they have a debuff. So on and so forth. A ton of USELESS information that doesn’t need to be spammed in chat outside of a select few situations. Yet, everyone seems to have it. I am unsure if it is DBM, a WA, or another. However, it is reaching a point of extreme frustration that I now need to look outside the game for a solution.

Is anyone aware of an addon that blocks/mutes others addon spam?
I use chat to make call outs, bs, or just talk to people. Looking down at my chatbox to see a ton of unusable and unnecessary information is a hinderance to the way I play the game. So I ask this question, since I cannot block these people in my PuG groups as I still need to communicate with them.

Is there an addon or a way I can block Addon spam from other people?

Badboy spammer is good for this. Just add key words or phrases it blocks them for you.

I am not sure how I could blacklist words or phrases in this situation though. How “smart” is badboy spammer?

Most of the spam is
“Skill name” on “Player name”
“Player” has interrupted “Skill”
“Attack” is on “Player”

So on and so forth.
I would have to basically write a whole list of abilities that these addons spam. That cannot be the solution here, is it?

I’ve noticed a lot of that spam includes links to the abilities in the spam. You may be able to get by with blocking anything with |Hspell in its text.

This macro (only need to use once per session) will block spam that contains spell/ability links in various channels only during combat, until you logout or /reload:

/run for _,c in pairs({"CHAT_MSG_SAY","CHAT_MSG_INSTANCE_CHAT","CHAT_MSG_EMOTE","CHAT_MSG_YELL"}) do ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter(c,function(s,e,t) if InCombatLockdown() and (t or ""):match("\124Hspell") then return 1 end end) end

If you want to make it an addon you can copy it to and remove the /run (just copy/paste the ‘for _,c’ onwards)

edit: The above doesn’t include all chat channels. If they abuse other channels they can be added but it may not fit in a macro.