Is there an addon for tracking which rares i've killed?

not the one i see that people have that announces it in chat. i’m looking for an addon to help me track which rares i’ve killed in given zones. i found out about the appearances sets and i want to get the ones from legion, but i’m not sure which addon would work best for helping me track them all down and kill them…

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Generally they’re tried to an achievement you can track.

Also you could use HandyNotes + HandyNotes: Battle for Azeroth Treasures

okay, rather, what i’m looking for is an addon that will mark the spawn locations for all rares on my map, and give me a checkbox, either automatic or one i manually set, so that i know which one’s i’ve already killed, so that i don’t waste time running all over everywhere multiple times

Ya, HandyNotes.

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i’ve downloaded handynotes, and tried to get it working with the plugin for legion rares. aside from it being an out of date addon and throwing up errors, it simply does not work. instead of showing rare spawns, it put every chest in the zone on my map. i don’t need that for the commander of argus achievement for the appearance pack arsenal…
work for me and you can adjust the visibility settings in the addon if you want to hide the treasures.

got em both installed. no matter what i do with settings, they display no icons either on the world map, or the minimap. does it require i get in range of them first? if that’s the case it defeats the purpose entirely.

Do you have the base HandyNotes addon? The expac ones are plugins for the main addon.

yep. and i reset my addons and manually downloaded jsut the two you had linked up above here. still no love. i suspect it’s an issue with one or more of my other addons, given that a patch just came out this week.

le sigh

i guess i’ll wait a week or two and let all the addon authors finish fine-tuning their stuff and then redo my entire UI again. the look i have no was gettin kinda stale anyway…

Eithris, I think what you might be looking for is Rare Scanner. Puts the spawn location of all rares on your map, the tooltip for each tells you pertinent info including drops, and when you’re close enough for the rare to appear on your minimap, you’ll get a pop-up on your screen and a ding with a star on your minimap with the location of the rare. Makes rare hunting extremely easy!

is rarescanner the one that announces it in chat?
as long as i can turn that particular feature off, it looks like exactly what i’m looking for!

does it show the special rares, like the annoying ones where you have to gather certain items to summon them and stuff?

Mine never announces rares in chat. If that is a feature, I turned it off back in Legion and forgot about it.

I think it will show where the summonable rares will spawn (like Weekiwatchi or w/e that lion in the Barrens is called)

oh this is exactly what i needed! thank you thank you thank you!

EDIT: [quote=“Shixin-emerald-dream, post:12, topic:307931”]
I think it will show where the summonable rares will spawn (like Weekiwatchi or w/e that lion in the Barrens is called)

okay i take it back. this is not what i need. i need something that will show the locations the moment i open the map, not call them out while i wander around with my thumb up my jacksie. i’m trying to -avoid- wandering around aimlessly. so far every addon i’ve tried DOES NOTHING that i want it to do. i want it to preload and display markers showing where these spawns are. if i have to alt-tab out to look up a coordinate and then go there before the addon will mark it, there’s not point whatsoever for the addon

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But…they are all marked on the map?

not on mine, and i can’t find an option to show them. once i run past a given location of a chest or a spawn point, THEN they show up

but if i’m already running there because i looked up coordinates, then i don’t need the addon because i’m just gonna kill the thing, and not come back

EDIT: okay, i hearthed out of argus and returned to mechagon, and it’s showing all the spots on the island. it seems to be showing current expac zones spawns and not showing legion or WOD

i need legion and WOD, i’m farming achievements…

weeps tears of ultimate frustration

why is this crap so complicated…

I don’t understand that, my map shows every rare in Legion, WoD, Mists…hell, even Old World rares show up.

Maybe there is some function that pulls from other people with that addon? Maybe after a day or two of running around, you’ll have a full map. :man_shrugging:

Have you read much about the addon on their Curseforge page? Some of the comments might have the detail you’re looking for. I still think it’s what you want, it’s just not 100% yet.

i just uninstalled it. if i have to run around and let the addon gather data for a couple days, it defeats the purpose. i couldn’t figure out how to turn off the annoying sounds. i just want a checklist tab and location markers on my map. that’s all. that’s it. done. simple.

apparently there’s no location marker or map addon that does this. they all either need to gather data, have you go there once, or paste in a list of waypoints. the ones that show markers don’t check off ones you’ve gotten or let you set a note. the ones that let you set a note don’t come with locations listed already.

i’ve got two displays, i guess i’ll just squeeze another window in on the left for a browser to keep wowhead up while i keep doing what i’ve been doing, which is take the time to look up each specific one and then go to the coordinates.

so frustrating. i can’t even put it into words how frustrating this is.

Look, you’re the only one getting unexpected results with these addons so disable your other addons and see if they start working. Then go through and enable the others till they break again, there’s your culprit.