Is there an add on that tells you when you can dispel a buff

I’m a shadow priest and I’m starting to get really into pvp but I’m struggling to know when I can and can’t use dispel Magic on classes such as Druid and Pally’s. Is there an add on that tells me when a buff on a target is dispellable

a weak aura will probably do this for you (for example, on my druid i have one that pops up when I can soothe something off of my target)

something like this maybe?

you might be able to do something similar with plater

what the poster above said

also, sometimes there’s a gold square around the icon to signify you can dispel it, but i dunno if it shows for every ability

AdiButtonAuras will put a red border on your dispel button if the target has a debuff that you can dispel. It does a whole lot of other great stuff too.

This is kind of dangerous in pvp, if you’re just dispelling every time you can you’ll end up oom very quickly
one of shadows biggest utilities is mass dispel useful for getting your partner out of cc like polymorph/cyclone or getting rid of defensive iceblock / bubbles
however mass dispel costs a SIGNIFICANT portion of your mana
so if you dont have that 40k or whatever chunk saved up you’ll end up being kinda useless to your team

with that said i’d recommend above all else being aware the default player/target frames actually highlight spells like in this image that are purgable
having your target from in a place you frequently monitor is vital for awareness

unless this is more geared tword casual battleground scenarios ofc then it doesnt really matter if you use your utility or not

The default UI does this. Any buff which has a golden lining around it on enemy unit frames can be purged. You can also download something like Easy Frames, and Plater Nameplates which also make this easier to see. Plater Nameplates takes a fair amount of time to configure but once you’ve got it set up, it’s real nice.

Thx so much guys!