Is there a wotlk era server?

is there any way to keep playing wotlk? i dont want to go back to warmane but a lot of ppl are goin be back


stop with the crap posts


Nothing that I know of has been announced. Perhaps we’ll find out what they have in store soon enough.


Warmane is the answer. Blizz doesn’t have interest in expansion-specific servers, it seems.

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can they not just ban those threads? like pls stop making new threads over and over again on the same topic when you know there are alrdy hundreds of them. they are just trying to bring attention to blizzard by keep making these posts.


He actually plays Wrath, unlike you.


I don’t know if this has happened in the WoW forums but the Warframe forums just consolidates all of the threads that have the same topic if they’re being “spammed” like this into a megathread.

How do you know they don’t play Wrath?

Are there any good TBC ones?

I’d like a Vanilla server with dual spec and rdf. Can I have that too? Thanks Blizzard :heart:

They definitely should do that here. A third year CS student can write an algorithm to classify same topic threads. I guess they cut all those interns to save costs.

Honestly, the wow forums need this lmao

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I don’t either. I mean, I want both. But it doesn’t seem like blizzard cares about the permanent wrath classic community. Maybe some day.