Is there a way to turn off the Oracle eyes?

For those who don’t know, taking the Oracle hero talent tree for Disc / Holy makes your characters eyes glow with light, and you get a third eye floating in front of your forehead.

And, as with most things Activision does, it’s half baked. If your character is not a human female, it doesn’t properly position itself. On races like worgen or vulpera, it just floats halfway down your face, making you have 5 eyes.

That aside, I kinda just don’t like the effect either.

Is there a way to turn it off? If not, could we get a glyph to hide it?


Not at the moment there isn’t.

Should’ve gave us something similar to visage form that can be toggled on and off or a glyph.

How do you play your character staring at their face all the time ?? The FOV must suck :rofl:

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Glyphs for some of the more obnoxious hero spec abilities need to arrive ASAP. I’m looking at you, sunfury balls.

Or just make spellslinger better

You can see the floating eye from behind your character, and the light from your eyes is bright enough to kinda silhouette your face when looking from behind.

Master of Harmony “charging” effect too. Way too busy.

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sauron is watchin bros


I resorted to wearing the Mrs Claus glasses on my earthen woman cuz having glowy eyes on my nose is annoying lol

I just specced this on my Disc cause a random beneficial spell from seeing the future sounded way cool , Bonus glowy eyeball over head , thanks for info!