First off, I don’t really like Sylvanas character-wise, I just think from an aesthetic view that she looks pretty cool.
What’d be the closest race/customization/armor/weapons etc that’d make that dark/evil ranger look?
First off, I don’t really like Sylvanas character-wise, I just think from an aesthetic view that she looks pretty cool.
What’d be the closest race/customization/armor/weapons etc that’d make that dark/evil ranger look?
Id say void elf with her bow and some maw gear.
Also, go War Mode so everyone can let you know how much they love Sylvanas.
There’s this helm — I don’t remember what it’s called — which gives belves and velves red eyes. I think it’s from Legion.
I’ve tried to make a dark ranger mog more then a few times. You can kinda come close. But it’s difficult. Some of the Torghast shoulder mogs help. But the armour colouring is hard to achieve. I also really like the purple bow and quiver from legion for this. Good luck! Moging is a lot of fun.
The mythic nighthold set… it’s the closest one can probably get to Sylvanus.
I had a sylvanas mog at one time. Back in Cata or Mop. Ill see if i can find the pieces. But i know i used the bow from End Time Sylvanas.
For temporary bouts of Sylvanasism, I was advise using Feign Death.
My mog. =)