Is there a way to find out your characters entire history?

Since I first started playing around the launch of TBC my main character has had multiple realm transfers and names changes. I want to know if it’s possible to track down the name of my character when it was first created and which realm I was on etc. currently I can track myself to 2009 through the warcraftrealms website when I transferred to a particular server, this is as far as I can remember although I know I was playing for around 2 years before this

Gotta remember this stuff… work your memory or your gonna be one of those old people that can remember your grandkids names

Did you like, purchase the account off someone else, or take over someone’s account? Most people would remember the first character they created on a game they’ve been playing for 10+ years.

No it’s always been my account. I know I would of used some stupid obscure name originally. For reference I quit after wotlk hence why it is difficult for me to remember what I did when I was 14 on wow

I don’t think there is a way. Like wowprogress knows my guild history since 2015 but that is all they seem to show.

Sevaira was my first max level character when I started in B.C. I have moved servers twice. Started with Burning Legion then to Eldre’Thalas, and then finally moved to Thrall. I have never changed her name.

Should be in account history settings somewhere on the site. I remember seeing a list of all my paladin transfers between est and pst times, I’ve moved a lot in 15 years.

You can see it in the account history when purchasing a race change on the website. I could see all my realm and race changes. I don’t remember if the old name shows up or not, since it could have just shown the current name

I did a couple of name changes, tied to realm changes and a few race changes and could see the history in the account.

First character I ever made was Tauren. Don’t remember the class, I just remember the first thing I saw in WoW was the plains of mulgore and that relaxing Tauren music.

Never stuck to that character, but I remember it.