Is there a way to disable twincasting grove guardians?

Every time i go to use it it seem to use 2 charges and summons two when i tap it once. Why?

I don’t get this problem with any other ability on any other class.

I have never had that issue on my druid. Are you using a weak aura to track? Maybe it’s displaying incorrectly.

No addons. I will just hit the button once and it will drop one and i see the number on the charges go from 2 to 1 as another one appears.

Just curious, do you have “Hold to Cast” enabled?

I’d imagine that with the spell being off the GCD, the “Hold to Cast” feature would cast them rather quickly.

Other than that, it’s actually quite common for mouse buttons to glitch and send a brief double-click when you only intend to single-click, especially if your mouse is starting to show it’s age. You wouldn’t necessarily notice this if you were casting a spell with a GCD, but when a spell is off the GCD (like Grove Guardians), it could be an issue.

No i have disabled it cause it caused issues before so i have it tap to cast. I prefer it that way with drakthyr spells.

They are off the GCD so it’s common. A lot of people have the tendency to start tapping the next button they want before the global cooldown is up. Doing this will cast a grove warden for each tap, even when your global cooldown is still pending. I do this a lot too.

Do you have it macro’d or if you are using a click casting addon is it doing the click casting via a macro?

Whenever I have macro’d it it double casts. Works fine when I don’t.

None of those. It’s straight up the ability with no addons doing anything to it. I also do not have it macro’d. I don’t have this issue with any other ability with charges and instant casts only grove guardians.

If you would like you can use this macro just only ever adds a 0.5s gcd to your grove guardians and you will never have to double click again.

/castsequence reset=0.5 Fire Blast, Languages

Change the Fire Blast with Grove Guardians, it works on everything including NS if you have double charges and other things that you might accidently spam.

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Oooo thank you! I’ll give it a try!

EDIT: I don’t have this issue with any other ability honestly but if it does happen if they ever change anything down the line with an ability this will be a big help.