Just wondering if there’s like a console command or something. The number isn’t hidden from us, seeing as it shows “Starting MMV” on the scoreboard when you actually get in one. But all I can see on the menu is W/L and CR.
No, aside from recording it and calculating in weekly inflation.
You cans actually see the exact mmr adjustment by mousing over the emblem at the bottom of the post-game screen.
Oh interesting, thanks! Good to know. Also I just loaded into a match and realized you can’t actually see it until after, so what I said was technically wrong anyway lol
But yeah you can see your MMR before the game stats at starting MMV, the adjustment on post and…there’s no way other than that. Some people use reflex or whatever the weakaura is that displays the change.
Didn’t they mention they were going to try and make these numbers more available? Like maybe in 11.1 or something?
There’s an addon called MMRTracker you can use to see your MMR between games. It goes away when you’re in a match.
^^ This.