Is there a way to block NPC dialog pop-ups?

You know these things I’m talking about? Window that pops up with the NPC’s talking face and their dialog. I hate them. I’ve searched online, I’ve dug though the interface menus but I’ve yet to find an way to disable them.

I don’t mind hearing the dialog and I don’t mind reading the dialog in my chat log but popping up almost in the middle of my screen, blocking my action bars, and sticking around longer if I happen to mouse over them. It’s so annoying!

So, yeah, is there a way to turn them off or is there maybe a macro to dismiss them so I don’t have to mouseover and close them every time? Any help would be much appreciated.

Edit: Since people are still finding this post, as of April '20 I’ve been using the addon BeQuiet for several months and it works perfectly well.

I preferred Talkless because it let the talking head through the first time then blocked it after. But it seems to have stopped being supported last I checked. Now I have to remember to turn BeQuiet off when going into new content so I can at least experience it once.


Or search for “TalkingHead”.


Thanks! I’ll give it a look.

Is there one for loot popups too? Like, I really don’t need a window telling me I got two stranglekelp from a fishing bag, especially when blocks my actions bars and the text shows up an chat anyway.

First try:
Game Menu (esc)/Controls/Open Loot Window at Mouse.

If not then something like:

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Oh, I don’t mean the loot window. I mean the popup that says what you looted, like when you open a chest or something.

talkless is what i use to get rid of the talking heads. itll talk once then never again. puts the speech in the chat box afterwards.

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search talkinghead in twitch. Should pop up with a talking head frame settings addon.