Is there a time where the servers are playable?

Consolidating servers is cool and all, I guess. I just thought that we’d still have some sort of layering going on. I really don’t have time to be fighting 50+ people for vile familiars in the valley of trials. Are there times when the game is playable?

Sounds like a YOU issue. Game is fine. Carry on.

Ya, it’s a pain in the butt. If you’re not in a rush, wait until next week, you’ll just have early fails to contend with.

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I will assume you’re playing fresh, the servers has a lot of layers, the reality is fresh is almost always a miserable experience for the first few weeks for a lot of people who don’t like sitting there trying to snipe mobs before someone else gets to them. (yes I know some people actually like this) Obviously those leading the leveling rush wont have this issue, but guessing you’re not part of that crowd as you wouldn’t be complaining right now. The easy answer to the problem is don’t rush, it will get better each week as the crowds start to spread out.