Topic says it all.
The " Interdimensional Companion Repository" is there for you.
While that is A way to access a stable, that does not answer the question.
It solves all the problems with not being able to find a stable master. It’s annoying to either stable your pets before exploring a new area, or having to search for a stable master. However, with a portable stable master those issues are gone.
You still didn’t answer the question…
I give a solution, and I get complaints about it. However, not one can tell the OP if there’s a Stable Master or not.
I’m an engineer. I have lots. That’s not what I asked.
Then why are you looking for one? Pet battling?
OP: Is there a concession stand at the ballpark?
You: Bringing your own hotdog is an option.
It’s a solution to a problem, which no one has solved. I looked it up and have found nothing about a Stable Master in Undermine.
I actually didn’t know that sort of item existed… Thanks for sharing it! (For OP-- I have yet to find any Stable Masters in the Undermine(d).)
I came back for this patch and a lack of Stable Masters was the first thing I noticed. I can’t find a single one in all of Undermine. There are a few pet themed NPCs, but none of them are labeled or usable as Stable Masters. I checked out Siren Isle and I couldn’t find any there either. It used to be that almost every Inn in the game had one standing out in front of it, and now here’s two full zones with ZERO?! What’s going on?
So the answer, for now, is NO.
The item suggestion is a good one when visiting a place with an auction house, but the last stable master I have seen, is Ellowie, South of the Drill that takes you into Undermine, she is in Gutterville.
Yeah, I just did a search in Wowhead. (link below) There are NO stable masters AT ALL in Undermine. … This is really, deeply stupid.
The amount of back and forth over the suggestion because it wasn’t an answer is really hilarious, in the time it took you to chastise him for his response you could have already found the answer for yourself
I carry around about 100 of those and use them frequently.
Didn’t know about these, thanks for the info!
repositories can get pretty expensive on low pop servers… more importantly hunters really shouldn’t be having to PAY to access a stable in a hub city… (unless we’re paying a goblin, i guess)
i assume this is just an oversight as goblins can be hunters and hopefully added soon
There’s a tameable Peacock that cost 500,000 gold in Undermine. So, a stable master that you need to pay would not shock me.