Is there a solo way into LFR?

And are there boss mechanics that will prevent me from doing the LFR Raids solo?


Strange… but thanks.

I guess it will have to be Normals then.

Normal are easy enough, but Galakras needs two people to shoot him down with the cannons.

That’s about the only thing I can think of preventing a solo clear… In SoO at least…

With LFR, don’t think you can get in solo… the fights are definitely soloable, even Galakras, but can’t think of a way to go in by yourself.

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There is an NPC that lets you queue for LFR wings solo, but they hid that NPC for this event.


That is a good question. I spend a lot of time soloing old raids and it never dawned on me that I have no idea how to enter an LFR one.

Well that was a strange choice. Thanks for the information.

For MoP the LFR npc is usually up in the Lorewalker room at the top of Mogushan palace in the Vale with the dungeon and scenario guys but they’ve removed him for Remix.


Blizzard logic:

Solo’ing normal, heroic, and mythic is allowed.

Solo’ing LFR by zipping through and locking a bunch of others out is allowed.

Solo’ing LFR solo is not allowed.


Blizzard, you need to add solo queue for LFR so we don’t get locked out of loot from people who skip bosses.


Normals give more daily bonus bronze anyway if you’re mostly doing solo stuff. They give 1k bronze for every boss (more for end bosses) while LFR is only 1k for the entire wing.

I soloed all the raids on normal once on my DK (MSV a handful of times for bronze I think). I don’t remember what ilvl they become easily soloable but it doesn’t require max gear. At max gear you can solo heroic MSV decently fast as well (I never bothered to try the rest).

You can google videos to see how to do a Galakras skip. If you’re a DH it’s easy, anyone else can also do it in remix using the heroic leap cog.

Depending on your gear you may also need a pet to do the last boss in terrace if you can’t kill it faster than when it ports you away. If you port away without a pet on that boss the fight just ends and you have to start over. On my DK when I soloed it before I was fully geared I didn’t have the DPS as blood to beat the timer so I had to summon my ghoul to solo that. I could have also just done it as unholy probably but I hadn’t set up bars for other specs at the time.

Sha of Pride in SoO is also a DPS race before you get imprisoned. If you’re close enough you can finish it off before you die in the prison just from passive damage from things like Mark of Arrogance tinker. Pets also continue to attack him if you’re imprisoned.

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There is tons of good information here… thanks!

I started this thread because I was looking for an easy place to solo and get my boss kills in for the daily quest. My ilevel is only 302, so I was thinking of starting off in LFR. As it turns out, I could pull off the first two bosses in Mogu’shan Vaults. I’m not setting any speed records… but it was fairly easy to do.

I just tried out the rest of the Normal raid and (to my surprise), it really wasn’t that bad to solo, so now I have my first completed Raid.

After I stack up some more threads, I will try to move through the other raids with the info you have given me. Thanks again.


I’ve soloed everything (except Galakras) on normal and heroic now. Normals, I think I did them all under 300k threads. Heroics, between 320-350k. Most bosses and their mechanics are completely ignorable (leech is capped, stand in the fire!), but a couple are a real headache. I think having a pet (BM Hunter) helped a lot on a few.

  • Normal MV was the first one I did, so I did actually have to do the floor-disappearing part on Elegon, but otherwise it was no problem. On my heroic attempt, I stood in the swipes on Will of the Emperor and was reduced to 0 armor, but it still didn’t hurt.
  • My first attempt on Heroic SoO, Sha of Pride imprisoned me at 58%. It took a few tries and some playing around with gems, but I got him down with Mark of Arrogance and Bloodthirsty Coral, while my pet pretended to help.
  • In HoF, Un’sok turned me into the construct thing. I honestly have no idea what I did to break free, but on the kill, his monstrosity threw me across the room and I was free. Again, my pet probably kept the fight going.
  • Garrosh MC’ed me. My pet managed to stay alive and tank him until it wore off.
  • Ra-den was rough. Again, I’m not entirely sure what I did right on the kill, but I was playing around with the Oblivion Sphere, Dark Pact, and Survival of the Fittest. Pet didn’t help at all there; the boss ignored growl and misdirect, and just focused on me the whole time.
  • Sha of Fear in Heroic ToES teleported me, so the pet helped there. Being ranged helped with the adds below too.
  • Dark Animus in Heroic ToT wrecked me the first time I tried it (died in about 2 seconds). The second run, I started behind the boss, and managed to take out the little adds as they approached. I was also somewhat better geared that time (about 340k threads vs 270k).
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And also so that LFR doesn’t take forever to get into because the game has to assemble an obsolete raid structure with tank and heals in a mode that doesn’t need them.

When you can zone into normal and have it finished solo before the LFR queue for a single wing even pops, there’s something off.

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You can also just bypass Gala with the heroic leap tinker.


They need to add arsenals or a solo queue for LFR to obtain the weapon mogs.

As it is now, there isn’t a prayer’s chance in hell I’m getting them as there is no way I’m spending 20-30 minutes waiting on the queue while watching it fail over and over because one of two tanks or one of five healers (neither of which are needed) doesn’t accept.

I keep following this forum to see if they make any changes like for the weapons or gearing alts - otherwise, there isn’t a reason to bother with remix.


Yes but only in retail, NPC is not in Remix

If you’re on a capable class, you can just queue as tank or heals and DPS.

It would be nice if LFR in remix acted the way scenarios do - it pops when enough bodies are queued, no role needed.

In fact I’d go so far as to say that would fix the issue without even needing to (re)implement a solo queue option. LFR would be popping in <1 min if roles weren’t artificially bottle necking it.

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That would help, as would it just popping if the majority accept.

I’ve seen 2/2 tank, 4/5 heals, 18/18 dps and still gotten the ‘Someone has declined, you have been returned to the front of the queue’ nonsense.

As if missing one healer is going to cause the group to fail.