Is there a macro for ping:attack?

I made a macro with /ping and it works.

but in order to do the ping:attack i have to hold down the macro until the little wheel pops up, and then use my cursor to select the attack option

im wondering fi theres a command i can put in my macro to just make it automatically and instantly choose the ATTACK PING when pressed?


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Have you tried /ping attack ?


There is. I had it macroed with Salvo and Volley at one point and on use trinket/potions Sniper Shot at another time until enough teammates told me to shut my mouth. It seems ppl dont want to know who will be taking damage so they can help secure the kill.

Yes, there is and there are examples in the blizzard settings to help you with macros for all the pings. It will give you the exact commands for all of them

I’d tell you exactly where but the game isn’t up and I can’t remember exactly, but find the ping system in your options and in the top right of the panel is that little information bubble - click in there and it’s very well laid out


no people don’t want spam…

ty ty sir. :heart::heart:

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I believe this is what you are looking for. I hope this helps.

/ping [@target] attack


This is the one I use.

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