Is there a Horde PvP Guild here?

Hey there guys! I was wanting to roll horde here because some friends said it was a good server and I’m really into PvP. Mainly battlegrounds and world PvP. Is there anything like that here?

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What’s your RP backstory?

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Welcome to ED
Alliance or Horde?
WPvP, PvP, or RPPvP?

For wpvp check out ISR

I’m gonna reply to all three in one go because I know I can’t have two messages in a row:

Zenal: I don’t have one yet I didn’t make the move or make a new character to build a story on.

Jimmirus: Horde; Wpvp, PvP as of right now.

Mythic: What is ISR short for?

ISR is short for Ironsworn Regiment

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Terran Empire
Blademasters of Durotar
Division VII


Thank you both for the recommendations! It’s really appreciated.

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would not cannibalize

We do tend to be around for PVP battles.

I highly recommend Terran Empire. The WPvP is great. Just the other night we flew into Stormwind killed Anduin TWICE and took care of the alliance resistance that included members and also leaders from several alliance pvp guilds. We freely RP walked to the trade district, hung out there, then the bridge for some guild pictures, and walked our way out. We owned Stormwind for a solid 45+ minutes.

The biggest thing for me though is the class that guild leadership shows to our alliance counterparts and that it expects it’s members to show as well. It’s refreshing and it makes the game a lot more fun.

Bruh you got to stop.

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