Is there a guarantee that 100% of the Dottie pet will be given to charity?

We buy them blizzard gives the money away and they get a Tax deductable recipe.

They bank on it

why do they care about blizzards money so much?

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Yeah, how dare a business try to make money of their… business.

If you don’t want Blizzard to profit, go somewhere else then.

Or better yet… Just donate straight to the charity…

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It was public knowledge long before blizzcon. I believe since at least march of 2019.

We have one. 100% is given to make-a-wish and WE, up to $3 million, which has never been raised before by a charity pet.

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Actually one got past 2 million. Mischief made the 2.5 mark. However that was four months after and expansion release and not in the middle of a content drought.

Still not reading anything I have written. You are not “sending them money.” You are PURCHASING a product. Then they are sending the money they have made off of YOUR PURCHASE… to charity.

They are not setting up a collecting tin. They put forth their resources to provide you with something to buy. Again… if you are THIS bent out of shape over this, then go straight to the charity yourself and donate, then give yourself a big pat on the back and tell yourself how righteous you are for not falling for blizzards corporate greed… Just make sure you ignore the fact that your $5 donation will be dwarfed by blizzards $3,000,000 one.

And now you’re just trolling.


Not worth instructing you.

No, there’s no guarantee- they have a very expensive legal team carefully wording every transaction fine print to make sure Blizz can get away with as much money as possible, while doing so without any sort of legal ramifications.

If you honestly think you can outthink a team of lawyers that have spent a decade or longer learning every loophole in the system meant to trick people- then why aren’t you a millionaire lawyer yourself?

The thing is- once we find out how they’ve pocketed most of the cash this time- the same people saying ‘no, you need to trust Blizz now’ will be here saying ‘you were an idiot to trust them, anyone could have seen they clearly meant this’ later.

Nope, not if 3million is passed. All funds past 3million goes to Blizzard.

As I said in the other thread you are simply buying a product.

Bliz is the one donating to charity.

The question is not what blizzard does with its money, it’s whether you believe the product they’re selling is worth $10.

The connection between the pet and charitable giving is a promotional ploy.

If you are buying the pet purely for the charity I commend you, but you would be better off donating directly to the charity if that is your purpose.