I have been stressing the heck out over getting the last of this wrapped up and I just can’t commit to the 3-hour cycle EVERY cycle anymore while I am not at work or sleeping.
A few days ago Thaldrazus air storm finally hit, cool, now I’m only missing air storm in the Plains. Well…because it’s my last one needed, it feels like an absolute self-sabotage effort when I am letting it affect my physical health by staying up that extra hour to see the following rotation or pushing myself to NOT take a mental break from the game even though I technically have nothing else to do.
I finally burned out today and missed a couple cycles this evening because I HAD to take a nap that wound up going a little extra-long. According to my internal system, it was quite necessary because even now, I feel so desperately tired as it was not restful sleep in the slightest.
Knowing that this achievement becomes progressively more annoying as you get closer to finishing it, I’d just like to know if there is some kind of tracker that shows the past day or two of storm activity and MAYBE I can get some peace of mind if there’s any semi-predictable pattern or otherwise some assurance that there’s a decent chance I will ACTUALLY see an opportunity while I’m online to nab my final, relevant storm kills.
I feel so stupid for stressing out over it but it’s just one of many little things that I feel would help my brain be able to look at past evidence, make some more direct reference & rational comparative conclusions, and help re-assure my overthinking brain that yes, there IS indeed enough variance and recently-missed Plains air storms that shows I just need to be more patient.
Checking every 3 hours for whatever may be the CURRENT rotation does not provide any kind of satisfaction, only a sense of dread when I see, yet again, that it’s not what I need.