Is there a good alliance RP server with story driven RP?

is there a good alliance RP server with story driven RP? i have tried a couple of servers and i am told that there isnt any real story driven rp on the servers anymore.

are there any guilds that have it. at this point, i am not tied to any server and will gladly move if there is an active RP guild with story driven RP on the ALLIANCE side.

I would prefer some kind of DK styled story RP, but really it doesnt have to be

Unfortunately, if I’m interpreting this correctly, they’re at least half-correct in saying there isn’t a server for story driven RP anymore. Most RPers seem to do social/slice of life stuff, which I don’t think is what you’re asking for.

To find story driven stuff, you’re going to want to find a guild or a group of friends for that rather than a specific server. It’ll probably be a smaller group, and it might not be easy to find. But I’m sure they still exist.

Of course there’s story-driven rp, but it’s going to be hard to spot from the outside. If you’re looking for a cohesive server-wide story, that’s different, though there are often multi-guild campaigns. Our guild does story-driven rp, though it certainly isn’t all we do – when I start getting a salary to write stories for my guild all day then maybe, but it takes a lot of time, energy, and work to put together a story campaign and run it. So I guess I’d ask what kinds of story you’re looking for and what kind of guild, and what “story driven rp” means to you, exactly. Is it 100% IC all the time, is it a single long campaign every xpac, is it stories that take place over a series of events, or something else?

I am not sure if what you are looking for exists. I know that I have started this concept of a guild that I am building slowly. Is it based on another universe? Well, maybe mildly, in that it has some similarities to the Witcher. But I am working on making it a WOW story, with lore compliant storylines and rpers who care about a story driven campaign.

You may contact me in game by mail or here on the forums. If you wish to investigate the server, I know that Moon Guard has a reputation that is hard to deny. However, I also know it has a lot of rp, and some very fine rpers. They are not easy to find.

I think i misrepresented what i was looking for. I was looking for a guild with story driven rp. however, i had asked on a few servers and i kept hearing there isnt much rp on the server anymore.

i found what i was looking for last night though.