I checked on Era and it seemed to have more players than SoM atm, wondering if there’s a discord for raiding/pvp on the Whitemane cluster.
I’m aware of a PvP discord channel but if I had to guess raiding would be separate for the individual guilds. I don’t have the link for the PvP one but its been mention in a couple threads back I’ll see if I can locate it.
Found it! (I think): https://discord.gg/Mba3SJcvZA was the link from https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/the-wow-burning-crusade-classic-character-clone-service-is-retiring-soon/ no clue if that is an up-to-date one though
Yep! If you’re on the Alliance side, check the couple of guilds that regularly schedule raids: Phase Seven and Pasta Sauce are the ones I’m familiar with; they both have Discord Servers with scheduled raids.
Yeah I wish I could claim to be in the know but Blackstabath had a great post and gave a link to the Phase 7 discord.
Not sure if they have a PVP-specific discord/channel or not.