“Genn’s only crime is not destroying more alliance assets to literally assist the burning legion’s invasion”
How deranged.
“Genn’s only crime is not destroying more alliance assets to literally assist the burning legion’s invasion”
How deranged.
No but that’s quest fodder (with, in the case of Murlocs, regular implications they’re actually uniquely useless servants of Nzoth, what Mantid are to Yshaarj and Cthraxxi are to Cthun and Nerubians are to Yogg, Murlocs are to Nzoth, so to speak)
The dungeons and raids always had a fairly straightforward, if anachronistic at times, moral lesson:
Did the Horde do anything to settle their attacks on the Alliance?
Horde didn’t attack the Alliance during Legion. Alliance however did. Horde had all the legitimation of declaring war of them afterwards because of it. It is just a shame that we didn’t get the chance to kill more alliance scum. Can’t wait for Sylvanas to return and have them all killed.
Well clearly Anduin should have considering that it resulted in Teldrassil being burned down.
Bear in mind that the Horde are self-righteous beings who never admit their guilt?
Those aren’t the only one. Many time we are ask to do genocide just in order to get a resource or even just because to side are fighting, one is losing and ask us to kill the order one…
Zul’gurub is a good reason as to why wow was never about being morality good. I think we can all agree that those troll was to be taking out. But did we really had to genocide them and kill them to the last??? Because this is what we did. We didn’t just kill the military power than force the rest to follow order. We just killed them all.
We did it time and time in wow. Any time a group/race/tribe/clan is doing something ever, we just kill them all. Try to apply it in the real world and you end up with something not acceptable and not considered as ‘‘morally’’ good.
The Horde doesn’t owe you anything. Next war we will not spare you. The entire alliance will be wiped out.
You mean alliance right? Because while the horde do admit their guilt over many thing while defending other, alliance player are always here to defend to death every last of their action, like every single one of them.
Are you talking about players or characters?
the story is anti Horde if anything. The Alliance dominates the entire lore ever since MoP. Alliance bias needs to stop so that the Horde can rise to strength again. Down with the Alliance! Lok’tar!
Can you change your character to an orc? Or scream elven battle cries?
No. I am fine the way I am. My Horde pride fits on any avatar.
Horde pride only manifests itself in the form of Orcish battle cries? Why?
Yes. Elven language isn’t rugged enough to fit with Horde pride.
This is clearly not the answer I expected. Is it the more elegant the language, the more rudeness it can accommodate?
In Shadows Rising, Thrall makes a formal apology on behalf of the Horde and its council.
Though, he wasn’t even there when it all happened. So he isnt admitting his own guilt, as much as delivering the acceptance of guilt by the Horde for what they did while he was AFK.
Okay. The Horde pleaded guilty, and what next? Will the Horde make a bloody sacrifice? Will the Horde give up resources? Will the Horde give up the land? Will the Horde surrender all power to the Alliance?
The Horde feels guilty, so what? The Horde didn’t even promise to pay off the debts (even without interest on arrears!) Later, when it would improve its economy.
Demon. Probably it was worth making one long sentence, not a bunch of small ones.
The Horde doesn’t owe you anything. You should be lucky that we didn’t kill you off for good.
Forgiveness doesn’t mean you can’t seek justice against those who wronged you. Plus there was no repentance from Kil’jaeden. Since you brought Christianity into it… Kil’jaeden is a demon, and demons- by their own choices and refusal - aren’t redeemable in Christianity.
By the way, I’m Christian but not specifically Catholic.