Is the Woolmancer's Charge ever to be fixed?

The Arcane mage hidden skin, The Woolmancer’s Charge, has been bugged since at least the beginning of BFA, it no longer procs when you use polymorph, so it’s animation and noise are now lost to the ages.

Many of the other skins for other classes have kept their flavor procs or gotten them fixed, so please look into The Woolmancer’s Charge and what’s wrong with it.

Thank you.


It’s been a year and 7 days since I made this original post, and it’s still bugged.

Will the Woolmancer’s Charge ever be fixed? Has it even been looked at?

Hopefully someday it will be.

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I feel this pain. I only recently learned of the Woolomancer’s Charge and was so excited to get it: then after trying to get the proc and research I find this and a few others talking about it. How sad. :frowning:

It’s especially annoying because the regular staff works, it just doesn’t proc on the xmog anymore.

What has to happen for Blizzard to at least address this issue? We’re being completely ignored. Do we not matter at all? What is it we need to do that would make us matter?

Spent over 10 minutes casting poly only to find this thread. Damn wish I hadn’t even farmed it. How sad.