Is the Profession equipment display buggy for anyone else?

Not sure what happened, but whenever I login it always show my profession gear displayed on my character even though I’ve been logged out without doing anything profession related. I had the option on to show it and leave it on afterwards.

Now I have that turned off and have it only shown when I’m doing profession related stuff, but when I mine or JC it doesn’t show any of my profession stuff I got equipped. :woman_shrugging:

What gives? This wasn’t happening to me last month.

Yeah that happens to me too

Nice to know this isn’t just a me thing then lol.

Guess an update must’ve broken something :thinking:

There is an NPC you can talk to to hide all profession equipment when not actually crafting anything.

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I know, I brought that in the OP I got everything set to limited but none of my profession gear is showing when it suppose to be.

I use LeatrixPlus and have the option enabled to hide my crafting gear so I next to never see it. Is that something you could have done?

Is reading the OP properly something you could have done as well?

Also I never even heard of this addon, from the sounds of it, seems to do the opposite of what I want.

I could have put my glasses on and gave it a go but to be honest I have no further interest in this topic

It does not happen on my main. But it happens on two of my alts.

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I get a slightly different bug where I get the “You can learn a new profession specialization” thing on my profession book, except I’ve learned them all.