Is the new ranking system popular or hated?

The only way to come up with 70k honor a day is AV, unless you join a Naxx geared carry group which isn’t pvp anyway!

Yep, that’s broken.

Hopefully enough people feel this way (whether it’s true or not) so that AV pops everyday. AV pvp (on defense) is the most fun pvp for me. Don’t care about honor.

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I came within a hair of R9 horde side but couldnt get there. So I played my alliance rogue and I got to R11 pretty easily - basically just doing AV because there were too many horde premades in the other two BGs. And yeah, the horde were frickin ruthless, including AV (I would do the stealth thing and 2-3 man LTs for honor and most games the horde denied us this) and yeah queues were probably a motivating factor.

I love pvp in general and I pug as its usually my only option. If I do group up, its usually only with 1 or 2 people. I looked into joining a premade but I couldnt (and still cant) give the time most of the dedicated teams were looking for out of their teammates which is all well and good, I’m just not a good fit. The rest were just taking things too seriously for my tastes.

Again, I dont mind premades but I need good, competitive games to keep pvp interesting and that was maybe 20% of the time. Not too be pedantic but I need at least half my games to be competitive win or lose or I just lose hope and then my interest. Lucky for me I main rogue, other classes have it worse and I knew more than one person who quit or stopped pvping because of what was going on.

Me neither :frowning:

Im the same way. However, I wanted official servers so I have to take the good with the bad and do my best. Luckily, despite some of the changes, the base game is still pretty awesome to play.

There’s still going to be premades but since you stay R14 when you get there and most people who really want it will get it early, it opens the door for more people to take their shot once most others have done it already. In theory anyway. Lets hope it works as there are no guarantees.

Its not. When Blizz has to make a change like this in Era its because the larger player base isn’t respecting the game or their peers or both.

Gold buying, mage boosting, bracket enforcifers and the like have forced Blizzards hand to do something. I still think chronoboon is a massive joke but they had their reasons even if I dont agree or like them.

It didnt have to be this way, thats what gets to me. Somehow we managed to take a perfectly lovely and wonderful futility and make it unbearably absurd to the point of dev intervention. Changes like this, while “necessary”, dont say anything good about us. So its not a win by any stretch.

If I had my way, Classic (especially Era) would have been its own separate subscription, gone back to real servers (with population caps, no layers or Xrealm), no Legion client, no changes and actual GMs.

Ah well, like I said, there’s enough there to keep my subbed - 60 WoW is still the best WoW but damn if it couldnt have been better if people could just chill the hell out and enjoy it.


“Being in a good premade with decent gear for pvp doesn’t count as pvp because i cant/dont want to do that”



Yes, the horde was ruthless, especially in early 2020.

I ranked an ally too in the covid summer of 2020. I got to R10 and then premaded where I played more. I didn’t find the WSG/AB pugs all that bad, sometimes you’d get farmed but I don’t remember it being for 30 mins ever.

The AV games as ally were awful and I only did them for rep at the start. The interesting thing I found was that the ally would talk about farming the horde for their drops and the rep those would give while being farmed themselves. So the atmosphere there wasn’t as bad as you’d expect. So the mostly undergeared ally would, in their words, farm the horde for drops, and the horde would farm the ally for honor and end the game at 31 mins.

The interesting shift I saw was in SoM when the ally would let the horde take SHGY and then farm them there. SHGY is just a great GY to farm kills at. Those games were bad, I think I played that like 3 times, there was nothing fun about those as pug AVs as horde.

I understand, I know we’ve talked about this a lot. I also know you like to hop on when time allows.

That’s what I want too. I want them to be fun and competitive and just prefer to have people on my team who try.

You aren’t wrong that this happened.

Right and understandably that’s all you can do really. Play or don’t. I’ll still give my feedback on changes though. I do not think it’s ever mattered but I’ll do it anyway.

I didn’t think about this but you are right that by the ranking not being staggered there may be a place for more pugging after people get what they want. I guess the concern after that is how long the PVP in Era will keep going, and if there aren’t enough games the caps will be harder to reach. Blizzard can change the top caps but I’ve found that they leave things like this alone (take server migration things as an example). So we’ll see how it all plays out. There’s always killing bots and sand ranking I guess.


As someone who has done pre-mades, when it was virtually all pre-made vs pre-made, the the current state of pvp is laughable. No Naxx geared pre-mades vs. pugs has not and never will be actual pvp. For it to be pvp it has to actually be a competition. Aside from making the honor grind rough, the current system also has 0 entertainment value for the same reason. It is the main reason participation has been so low. I do acknowledge though that everybody has different reasons to play the game. Some of us prefer a close hard fought out games and prefer earning our rank. Then their are are the more simple minded types that enjoy the ego trip of steamrolling lesser competition while holding someone’s hand to the rank of their liking…



best expacs were the ones that were balanced for pvp, aka mop era.

When they finally figure this out and make the NEEDED changes to pvp wows going to pop off again.

You know why.
But as a rhetorical question it’s still funny.


That’s called welfare epics. Spam BGs and collect phat loot. Wrong expansion/time period for that.

He’s not even making an argument. This is what the game is. You gotta do both if you want your char to wear it’s peak


who asked you pve nerd

pvp gear in vanilla is 100000x harder to get than PVE therefore pve is the welfare gear.
I can afk and watch netflix and still clear raids. We just DONT WANT to. come on now

You can be useless in AV or collect sand 16 hours a day and get pretty far. Just saying


Apparently that is what they want but can’t admit to it.
Oh wait

But concerned about a 750K cap.


Who said I was a pve nerd lol. Do you not remember our conversation on past threads?

I’m beginning to think you’re probably 16 years old at this point

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It’s a shame it wasn’t thought of ‘back in the day’. We would have kept the old school honor system going into TBC and beyond (probably).

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I have lots of titles on lots of toons. So yea I kinda dont care what they do with the PvP titles. As far as the PvP titles go, I got them all. They make it worse or better then that is a matter of opinion. But they make it more grindy or less grindy, that is a matter of fact and for some people that is the difference between subbing and unsubbing.

bruh ur not good at pvp dont @ me im the best pvp’r in here

Yeah, that’s why you thought alliance had good premades on som.

Cause you’re a godlike pvper.